
melissasue0317 Posts: 338 Member
It looks like Patrick is starting this program soon, but I have contemplated doing this for a long while. I have several friends who are big into doing 5k and I always feel slightly jealous :).

Has anyone else tried this and were you able to keep up with the recommended times each week? I keep thinking, there is no way I can do that in 3 weeks. But maybe if I repeated a couple weeks at a time.


  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    I wish. I might be able to in December when it cools off.
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Their is no rule you have to do it in three weeks, you can repeat any session as many times as you need to. Norah has been doing it fro a little while and repeating sections. The worse that happens is it takes you longer then expected, I've scheduled myself an extra week just encase
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    I'm starting Week 6 tomorrow!

    I did repeat a few days when I felt like the last one was really difficult. I sort of mentally budgeted for those extra days because I knew I was way out of shape. The past couple of weeks have gone pretty smoothly, though, despite the fact that there have been some HUGE jumps in running intervals. Yesterday, I ran for 22 minutes (2 minutes longer than planned). When I started the program less than two months ago, running for a minute at a time was hell.

    As someone who absolutely hated running her whole life, I have to admit, I'm starting to like it. I kind of miss it on the rest days!

    My main advice is to go slowly. When I started C25K before, I ended up quitting sometime in week 2 because I was trying to go too fast and burning myself out.

    The first few weeks were the toughest for me because I had to get into the routine. As I've progressed through the program, my confidence has increased, and I think that's helped me keep it up.

    So excited for other people to start!
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member

    My main advice is to go slowly. When I started C25K before, I ended up quitting sometime in week 2 because I was trying to go too fast and burning myself out.

    I started it about 2 months ago...and ended up quitting also....BUT, it really seems to be doable. I just did not give myself enough time, I added another week to week 1...perhaps I should have done week 1 over 3 weeks. I also have never run in my life and my right knee is not in the best of shape. My best advice, give it a try....take it easy, and you may surprise yourself. I plan on starting it again, once I get back on the treadmill for about one month daily. Then I will see how it goes.
  • kaliya89
    kaliya89 Posts: 61 Member
    I tried this a year ago with my mom. We got to week 3 and then created our own modified week that was halfway between weeks 3 and 4, as we wanted more of a challenge but not quite as much as the next week. I never made it past that.

    This thread has motivated me to try again, though! I actually went out tonight and did the first day of week 1. It wasn't really that hard. I mean, I was thrilled when it was done, but it wasn't as bad as I remember it being last time, so that was exciting!
  • whatsallthisthen
    whatsallthisthen Posts: 35 Member
    I'm also looking forward to starting this as well within the week. I also had tried this previously and quit as I pushed myself too hard.
    With lessons learned I'm sure I'll love it this time.
    Maybe we can start a c25k mini-thread for us within this group to check in.
  • carimiller7391
    carimiller7391 Posts: 1,091 Member
    Good day everyone!!

    I just read the C25K program. I'd die. I am way to big to try jogging at all. I will however start off trying to work up to walking a 5k (which I currently cannot do). Once I get under 250, I will attempt the C25k program. This will be a great incentive for me.

    Cari from DE
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    I'm also looking forward to starting this as well within the week. I also had tried this previously and quit as I pushed myself too hard.
    With lessons learned I'm sure I'll love it this time.
    Maybe we can start a c25k mini-thread for us within this group to check in.

    I would be up for a 'mini thread for C25K......what say ye all??? Anyone else besides the two of us?? We could check in daily?? I will have to 'tweek' it as I will have to expand week 2 as I am still a bit on the 'heavy' side (a bit??? lol....alot is more like it).
  • melissasue0317
    melissasue0317 Posts: 338 Member
    I am hoping to start on monday! As long as I can make myself do it. I have realized that I am 33lbs away from my goal of losing 100lbs in a year! I don't think I will make it bc I only have 13-14 weeks left in my "year."

    Also, I am planning to give myself the ok to repeat weeks as needed so not to burn out. I just need to build the confidence to go to the gym by myself.
  • kaliya89
    kaliya89 Posts: 61 Member
    I think being able to check in with C25k progress would be fun! It would definitely help hold me accountable.

    For me, I have to make sure not to be too easy on myself. Last time I tried this, my mom and I repeated a week multiple times (like 3-4 times), and I never felt like I was progressing, and I got bored and quit. I was waiting to move on until I felt comfortable with the last one, when really I only push myself when someone else makes me - in this case that would be the next week's schedule.

    So here's hoping I can push myself without overdoing it. :smile:

    Kali in GA
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    I'm supposed to do week 6 day 2 today. I'm at a work event called "all hands" where we work outside doing trail work and other environmental projects all morning, so I'm trying to psych myself up for running after this. I'm pooped, though! All that lopping and bending over and everything in the sun. Oof.

    Oh well. No one said it would be easy!

    (That said, it is easier than I expected, really!!! If you can complete all 3 sessions in a week, you probably are ready to move on. If you aren't able to complete a session, slow down a bit and repeat it after a rest day. I'm not saying it will be a cakewalk or anything, but I think you'll be surprised at what you can actually do.)
  • BunBun85
    BunBun85 Posts: 246 Member
    I'm doing this now and it's addictive! I'm starting W6D1 today. I've noticed in a lot of threads about C25K that people say they do a day each day and that's why they get so burned out but the program is designed to span 9 weeks. One day of running, one day of rest, one day of running, etc. I'd love to have some more pals that are doing the program. Really looking forward to my first 5k next month.
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    BunBun that's awesome! Definitely tell us about how it goes next month.

    I've been too scared to sign up for an actual 5k, but I've gotta get over it. If I end up walking part of it, it's not the end of the world.

    Yesterday, I extended my 22 minute run (W6D3) for an extra 10 minutes because I was feeling so good. I definitely love that sense of accomplishment at the end of a run.

    Another thing on my to-do list: Get over my fear of running outside! The combination of heat + allergies + asthma makes me really hesitant, but if I don't start doing it regularly soon, I'm just going to get stuck in this fear of it. A friend of mine has offered to run with me as slowly as I want, so I should just do it. Right? Eep.
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    C25K has interested me for a while. However I have a history of knee and ankle problems so I've been concerned about doing it.

    Right now my plan is to look at it again in the fall when the weather cools off. I also want to be well into onderland to minimize the stress on my joints.
  • BunBun85
    BunBun85 Posts: 246 Member
    It's just an at home treadmill 5k. Unfortunately the area I live in doesn't have those sort of runs. I'm still going to keep track of my times and work on getting faster. I plan to start Convict Conditioning once I finish the C25K, incorporating running on my cardio days. I'm pretty excited!

    Accomplishing those long runs is like, I don't even know. All Saturday "I ran at 5mph for 20 minutes!" "Honey, I'm a runner, I ran 20 minutes." "Baby, guess what? Runner here!" My poor husband, he's such a great support and was really proud of me. I used to get winded tying my shoes.

    You should totally run outside! I wish I could but I'm a new mum and I don't think the bubs would appreciate being bounced all around.
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    Hey folks! Just wanted to check in and see how folks are doing :)

    I did Week 8 Day 1 yesterday and oooh boy I made a mistake forgetting to use my inhaler beforehand. I managed to make it through, but it felt a bit like breathing through a straw for the vast majority of it. Not a mistake I'll make again!

    I'm off to Ohio for a few days. I'm hoping for slightly cooler weather so I can try running outside. It's been in the 90s with extremely high humidity here for what feels like forever. My 3 mile walk home (or to the gym near my home) is exhausting in this weather. I'm starting to think that might be why my runs have felt harder recently. I'm trying to focus on staying hydrated because I am absolutely drenched every day I go to the gym (and half drenched on days when all I do is walk home).