just one more day phase....

Not sure if I'm the only one, but I am constantly telling myself 'just one more day' or 'tomorrow'. Needing some motivation and push.


  • desbefit
    desbefit Posts: 13
    I can motivate myself in waves. But I fly from one side of the spectrum to the other so I don't know. I restricted and worked out religiously and then I got pregnant and just as I had always feared, I gained far too much weight. Now I am trying to motivate myself to get back into my old clothes.
    I cant seem to make my brain do what I want it to do. But I dont know if motivation has much to do with it.

    That was my whole point in a round about way... maybe motivation is just a tiny part of it. But I dont know..
  • skrlec70
    skrlec70 Posts: 302 Member
    I lived that for over 25 years, constantly promising myself 'this is the last time" tomorrow ill start, its a cycle, I broke it with treatment.
    now for me its the dam gym, tomorrow , tomorrow, I have the eating under control but to get my *kitten* to the gym is an entirely different story, had so much energy in my 30's, mind you , I went for 2 weeks and I it started to become routine, then poof, my monthly came and I let the entire week pass without going, im going on 2 weeks, always finding excuses to not go :(
    maybe its our comfort zone, its easier to live what we know and deal with the weight food issues then actually doing something about it.
    my gym resistance is more anger at how much I have gained, I must look like a tart on this machine, all self confidence issues I know.
    and the weight loss is slow if any now, my body is learning how to regulate itself , to understand that I am no longer starving it or binfing and purging, its annoying as sick as this sounds, I am tempted to go back and starve the weight off or binge and purge it off. I wont but im just saying it came off easier when I did caved into the disorder. sighhhhhhhh