Check In June 18, 2014



  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    One thing I do with water is always have it with me. In the car, at my desk, etc. I also won't let myself have a diet soda or anything else unless I down a whole liter 33oz of water first. It's kind of a game I play. Half the time I end up wasting my soda because I end up not wanting it after so much water. And yes, it is SO true, if you hit a plateau, increase your water. I'm talking more than 8 cups, 1/2 your body weight in ounces.

    So...I will sit here and talk to meself unless someone else is up late? We have tomorrow off for some State holiday or other. As I mentioned I didn't get anything done earlier so I'm up doing it now. I have OCD when it comes to carpet cleaning. I do it about 6 times a year and it takes me hours. I just finished the living room and emptied and refilled the dispenser 11 times. Now I am going to do our sectional in attempts to get it sold tomorrow and out of here!

    Hey look, it's 12:02, I didn't go over my calories. Whew. It was a close call today. I'm getting my hair done today. Pretty nervous. My whole life I have only had one person be able to get my color right and she retired so I haven't had it done since. I am trying someone new off a group on. Probably not the wisest choice considering how many people have got it wrong before. Ack. I will show you how it turns out tomorrow. Off to clean the couch.