Check In June 20, 2014

PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
Well I guess I will start the check in for today as it's 11am in California and I clearly need more distractions before I can start my day.

Just finished my weigh in for the birthday challenge, lost 4.2lbs, but thats nothing compared to ArteLyn. Good work on all that loss. It's really nice to see steady progress, but I was reminded as I waited to weigh in why I usually don't measure more then once or twice a month. I was becoming paranoid about stepping on the scale, afraid to drink and desperately hoping for one more trip to the restroom before steeping on. It's all in my head and I am thankful for the challenge to keep me motivated.

Some small victories. I had to move the snap on my Fitbit up another notch. Soon enough I should be able to move to the small wrist strap. It's nice to see the signs of loss, but really my wrists! How about a little action on the face or this spare human around my middle? I also noticed that I haven't gone over my calories in the past 8 days. Good progress.

What small progress are you making that lets you know your on the right path, that this journey is for the long haul?


  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    Well here is my silly thing. We went to pick up our son from his last day of school Weds and it was raining. DH had the umbrella and I just embraced the rain. And I realized that when I am walking properly, not all hunched forward, my boobs stick out now more than my tummy so they were getting the brunt of the rain and tummy was sheltered by them a bit lol. Of course when I am sat down it reverts back to tummy sticking out more, but it was nice to see I am edging towards a permanent switch.
  • angelic843
    angelic843 Posts: 252 Member
    Good Afternoon Everyone!

    I blew the no breads challenge yesterday at my anniversary dinner. (Cake, yikes)

    But I logged every bite and I am proud of that.

    Regardless, I have seriously cut down on my bread intake...and every little bit helps!

    Gotta go log my weight for the challenge...I'll check back later!!

  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Days been taken up by car hunt. Found one this morning that I am really interested in so arranging a test drive. I hate car shopping, but I hate dealerships even more. But it's been six months and I want this to be over.

    Just saw pictures of myself from the 5k fathers day walk. Felt disgusted and immediately deleted the email.
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    I got my package from Karen for the May fitness challenge today!!!

    LOOKIT HOW PRETTY THEY ARE!!! I am blown away. I always think about how I never have any nice jewelry for this fancypants ball we go to every other year and now I have these lovely things!

    And this is my attempt at looking glamorous while wearing sweaty workout clothes (I couldn't wait to open the package and put on the pretties):

    But this is a better representation of how I actually reacted:

    Thank you so much, Karen! They are just gorgeous and I can't wait for an occasion to wear them. Hopefully I won't have to wait until the ball in December!
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    Pat, I'm sorry you felt that way about your pictures. Completing the 5K was an awesome accomplishment, regardless! I just want to remind you that you are doing so so so well. You've been biking! You're kicking *kitten* in the birthday challenge! If you're losing from your wrist, I guarantee you're losing from elsewhere and it's just easier to notice the wrist because any small difference is noticeable. And someday, you're going to do another 5K and you'll see how your time has improved and it's going to be great. I hope you find a care and get all that dealt with.

    Angie, I'm glad you enjoyed your cake and logged it :) I blew the challenge on Subway last night/today. So not worth it! But the convenience...

    My small progress is going to the gym even on days like today when I really, really, really just want to go home and rest. I was reading the forums recently and came across a post (or a link to a blog post somewhere?) about how this isn't really about motivation. This is about making a decision, every day, multiple times a day. I thought about that today when I was riding the metro back into town from the worksite we were at today. I could decide to go home, and what? Watch a couple extra hours of TV? Or, I could decide to go to the gym, get my workout in, and know that I am making positive choices for my health and myself longterm. It worked today. I imagine that won't always be enough, but for now, it is.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Oh Norah! I'm so glad you like them!!!

    They look gorgeous on you.

    My philosophy on wearing vintage bling is that is goes with everything. Even sweats, LOL. Enjoy!
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    Days been taken up by car hunt. Found one this morning that I am really interested in so arranging a test drive. I hate car shopping, but I hate dealerships even more. But it's been six months and I want this to be over.

    Just saw pictures of myself from the 5k fathers day walk. Felt disgusted and immediately deleted the email.

    Totally agree with have been doing great with the biking and the 5 K, so don't let photos get you down!! And on a side note...I will be shopping for a car too.....any suggestions?? I have been on consumer report website trying to see what is good and not!! So any suggestions????
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    I got my package from Karen for the May fitness challenge today!!

    You look fantastic!!!!! Love the bling.....and Karen is goes with ANYTHING!! And great job on your weight loss too!!
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    No dice in the car. Every time i go to a dealership i never want to return. No wonder this has taken me six months. Apparently wanting a car with a trunk that can stay open was a little to much to ask. I can't say i took well to the suggestion that a broom stick handle would solve the problem, or that wanting my mechanic to look at it was a bad idea.
  • catladyksa
    catladyksa Posts: 1,269 Member
    No dice in the car. Every time i go to a dealership i never want to return. No wonder this has taken me six months. Apparently wanting a car with a trunk that can stay open was a little to much to ask. I can't say i took well to the suggestion that a broom stick handle would solve the problem, or that wanting my mechanic to look at it was a bad idea.

    Ohhhh this is discouraging news!! Are you going for a new car or used car? And a broomstick won't get you anywhere except at Halloween!!! lol I heard that June is the month that dealerships are trying to unload their inventory.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Beautiful bling! Karen is so incredibly sweet! I got my swimsuit and I am totally in love with it. I just now realized I blew the bread challenge too! Really!? I don't ever have it and I binged last night hardcore. I am talking the one true binge I have had in 7 weeks. I didn't even think about the challenge when I had a breadstick from a pizza place. Totally forgot. I was right about PMS. 23 days since the last time my stupid friend is hear again. Pain. Oh the horror. Gotta get busy.