A little road trip

KaktusJaque Posts: 141 Member
Well I'm on the road again for my work for about a week. I was happy that I was able to bring my bike along. There are many good rides both for the road and the dirt in the places I am going to, so I had a hard time choosing which bike to bring, however I ended up choosing the Roadie! (Sry Ken) The last time I was able to take a bike along, it was the MTB. Didn’t want my road bike to feel left out ya know.


  • KaktusJaque
    KaktusJaque Posts: 141 Member
    First stop, Flagstaff AZ. At 7,000 foot elevation there is plenty of good hill work. One ride is to the top of the Snowbowl ski area, a climb elevation of about 2,400 feet in about 20 miles (if I understood this correctly). This one looks like a fun ride, but being a lowlander and flat farm roads rider, I may have difficulty in this elevation (not to mention the hill itself) as I’m not conditioned for either, but the going down reward would be real sweet!!

    My next stop is Denver, the mile high city for more high altitude to riding. I grew up here and rode countless miles all over the Front Range. I would like to hit up one of my favorites which is out and around Rocky Flats and the Boulder area. There is this huge hill that kicked my *kitten* many times. The last couple times I road this route, I finally conquered it (I was about 16 or 17 at the time) I need to go back to remind this hill that it still no longer owns me!! Hope my lungs hold out and I don’t embarrass myself, I would hate for the hill to have bragging rights on me once again. If it did, well it would have them for a long time as I don’t know when I will be back here again. After Denver I will be coming back through Flagstaff and will try to get another ride in.
  • Archon2
    Archon2 Posts: 462 Member
    Sounds great, KJ! Take some pictures and post a few if you can. Would love to see some views of these places.

    Don't kill yourself on those hills. Less O2 there. Should be tough if you are used to flatland!

    And on the road in Denver, watch out for young Cheech & Chong wannabees :)
  • veloman21
    veloman21 Posts: 418 Member
    Yep, as Archon says, the air is thin up there so make sure don't redline. it is a beautiful part of the world. I've been to Boulder a number of times and I always thought it had that healthy, feel good factor. I bet the riding is great!!

    Pics please :)
  • lpherman01
    lpherman01 Posts: 212 Member
    Well I'm on the road again for my work for about a week. I was happy that I was able to bring my bike along. There are many good rides both for the road and the dirt in the places I am going to, so I had a hard time choosing which bike to bring, however I ended up choosing the Roadie! (Sry Ken) The last time I was able to take a bike along, it was the MTB. Didn’t want my road bike to feel left out ya know.
    You'd love this bike. It's a 2001 Cannondale Hardtail that I had a set of road wheels laced up for (heard that some pro did it). Now I can just bring both sets of wheels and can do which ever I choose.

  • KaktusJaque
    KaktusJaque Posts: 141 Member
    Awesome :smile:
  • bsexton3
    bsexton3 Posts: 472 Member
    Water, drink lots of water and enjoy the scenery.
  • KaktusJaque
    KaktusJaque Posts: 141 Member
    Today I went to Cherry Creek Reservoir to ride my bike as I did not have enough time to go do the ride I originally wanted to do as I am staying over an hours drive away. There is an abundance of trails around the lake. It was a very enjoyable ride. One could ride on the road, or the paved trails. I did a little of both. Lots of nice scenery just as bsexton said. I still have some time here so I may be able to get one more ride in before I head back to Flagstaff. Here are some pictures that you requested.

    I did have a little problem, When riding on the roads, there were many cracks that made the road really not enjoyable to ride on the road parts. I guess the bumps were enough to knock a nut loose on my front brakes, and the caliper fell off. Just glad it didn't get caught in my spokes, if it had, it would have been a real mess.

    One of my favorite things about bike riding!!
  • Archon2
    Archon2 Posts: 462 Member
    Nice pics and it looks like it was a serene place to do some riding!

    Looked like a storm brewing in the distance?

    I love the jersey!

    Also, good thing you didn't get your spokes all smashed up like my poor road bike ;)
  • KaktusJaque
    KaktusJaque Posts: 141 Member
    I was a bit concerned about the rain, but I wanted to go ride so I took the chance, besides, I dont get to see rain or clouds for that matter in Phoenix (at least not often that is) , so it was nice to see. The rain did not come anywhere around where I rode. I am building up my Red White and Blue jersey collection, that is going to be my theme. I may get a AZ flag jersey for when I go out of state and do rides like this. I plan on doing this more often, its great fun taking a bike along. It can be a pain at times, but its worth it.
  • dolcezza72
    dolcezza72 Posts: 171 Member
    So cool! Those paths look like the Yellow Brick Road!
  • Bounce2
    Bounce2 Posts: 138 Member
    Nice pictures Kaktus! Great motivation to get out of town for some riding! ......time to plan a trip I theeenk ;)
  • KaktusJaque
    KaktusJaque Posts: 141 Member
    A quick trip to a local bike shop, and my bike is ready to go. Wanted to give a quick shout out to Kyle at Alpha Bicycle Company on Arapahoe Rode that got me in and out in under 5 minutes! Ok here are some more pictures from my ride today. I must say, it was quite enjoyable to ride in Colorado. I will be coming back at the end of next month, I plan on bringing my bike again. Truly awsome how Colorado has invested so much into the trail system that they have all over the city. The pictures here were just a small part.

    Lots of Cottowood trees that the trails run through.

    The trail follows Cherry Creek, so the path almost always goes under a road so you dont have to cross over it.


    Came across some wild life too, except this deer wasnt shy at all.

    Neither was this snake


    Rustic Bridges

    Trails next to open medows
  • sinker59
    sinker59 Posts: 130
    Very nice, thanks for the travelogue!