How do you maintain a healthy BG level and eat healthy?

Everytime I workout or eat healthy my sugars go low.
I do not usually have juices and stuff in my home, usually it's pepsi (bad I know)
but my question is, how can I avoid the low BG, workout, eat healthy and not end up having to have pop?


  • Starterbeauty
    SO this may be totally wrong but I was having the same problem so I tried cutting my insulin down but the problem still remained, i just decided to stop all fast acting insulin and continue my lantus (long lasting insulin) and so far i have had no more lows or highs, I am very level this way. My endo was freaking out at first but when he checked my meter and my A1C he told me to continue this way if its working.
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    Talk to your doctor! That happened to me and she took away one of my medications and now things are good.
    Don't keep Pepsi at the house!! (Only Coke if necessary, LOL) I keep apple juice boxes handy. I won't drink it unless I'm low because I don't really like it. Also at Target and Walmart they have glucose tablets you can take. 4 of them are 16 carbs. They have all different flavors. I like the grape ones. You should always keep those with you. At diabetic class they also say you can have hard candies but I would eat them all at once, so not a good idea for me!