June 22nd Weigh-In

Start - 280
Current - 277
Goal - 265

...and again, only a pound! Week started off well with exercise and then I tweaked my back going down a set of stair...awesome!!! Going to give it one more day of rest, then hitting it hard!

Good luck all on the new week!


  • xprincesspunkyxx
    xprincesspunkyxx Posts: 18 Member
    Starting - 227
    Current - 217
    Goal - 211 Down another 4lbs this week!

    Had a pretty good week although, I did eat things I should have known better than to eat. I guess they didn't hurt me too bad though.

    See you all next week! :)
  • Debmorrissette3
    Debmorrissette3 Posts: 8 Member
    Starting 137
    current 136
    goal 128

    One pound is better than zero pounds. Got to keep moving and tracking.
  • Hozman121
    Hozman121 Posts: 76 Member
    Start: 266.5
    Current: 264
    Goal 255

    Sadly went up .5 lbs this week. What the hell. With one week left it would take a miracle or me losing my leg to reach goal.