I knew it...

BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,460 Member
But I did it anyway. Last week was a rough week with Vacation Bible School at our church, a youth bowling trip on Friday night after VBS ended that morning and then a youth pizza/swim party last night. I did pretty good with avoiding the crap food but last night I decided to indulge a little and ate some pizza. MY STOMACH HATES ME!! LOL!
Today is a new day I guess. Have a great week my plant strong friends!


  • swalberg0625
    swalberg0625 Posts: 98 Member
    But I did it anyway. Last week was a rough week with Vacation Bible School at our church, a youth bowling trip on Friday night after VBS ended that morning and then a youth pizza/swim party last night. I did pretty good with avoiding the crap food but last night I decided to indulge a little and ate some pizza. MY STOMACH HATES ME!! LOL!
    Today is a new day I guess. Have a great week my plant strong friends!

    Hahaha oh no. That dairy will get you after cutting it out so long. LOTS of water. Hope you feel better!! :)