Running Make You Hungrier?



  • CatchMeJess
    CatchMeJess Posts: 14 Member
    runner 475 -

    Thanks for following up and being supportive. And congratulations to YOU on your fitness successes!

    Currently, I'm inconsistent with my training and food-logging as my family just moved across the country and I'm trying to finish up my PhD dissertation. Ahh! I try to log in MFP but oftentimes fail to report food consumption later in the day. I'm probably eating back my exercise calories and more.

    It's usually running (not lifting) days and moments when I'm feeling particularly stressed when the hunger sets in. I am trying to lose ~15 pounds and am considering training for a marathon (my first) in December. I've only run 2-5Ks and a half up to this point.

    Hopefully that gives you a little more information. Thanks again for your concern and I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

    All the best!
  • runner475
    runner475 Posts: 1,236 Member
    runner 475 -

    Thanks for following up and being supportive. And congratulations to YOU on your fitness successes!

    Currently, I'm inconsistent with my training and food-logging as my family just moved across the country and I'm trying to finish up my PhD dissertation. Ahh! I try to log in MFP but oftentimes fail to report food consumption later in the day. I'm probably eating back my exercise calories and more .

    It's usually running (not lifting) days and moments when I'm feeling particularly stressed when the hunger sets in. I am trying to lose ~15 pounds and am considering training for a marathon (my first) in December. I've only run 2-5Ks and a half up to this point.

    Hopefully that gives you a little more information. Thanks again for your concern and I look forward to hearing your thoughts.

    All the best!

    Please, please do not get me wrong but I was predicting these answers. I'm highlighting all the crucial words in bold for ya.

    That being said besides the inconsistency with logging other thing that's probably happening is the below scenario and I don't know I'm jus' about analyzing based on my experience and your response let's say your schedule is

    Monday - Running
    Tuesday - Strength Training
    Wednesday - Running

    So Monday being your Running day you have a good meal (or the hungry day). That is you eat for your next day - you fuel. However next day if it's a Strength Day you end up not eating as much as you should and may be you are in calorie deficit. However next day to ST being your running day again you get the feeling of stress. This being "stressed feeling" technically is coming from inadequate fuel that was provided a day before.

    My recommendation to you

    1) If you are following MFP method take a look at your diet/fitness setting. 15 pounds ain't a whole lot to get rid of. Ideally with endurance training and being so close to goal weight - I would want to get rid of no more than 0.5 pounds per week. If you want you can set it at 1 pound however that's going a bit aggressive for this situation. IMO.

    2) Logging for 3 weeks minimum will help you understand the pattern your body is expecting w.r.t eating. do you think you can afford 3 weeks of religious logging. I know being a grad student it's one hella task. Totally with you on this one.

    3) The reason 3 weeks is b'coz there will be a lot consistency to fueling for your running days and besides 21 days is a magic number.

    4) Stock up on good carbs and protein immediately after your run.

    5) On the day of ST - less carbs more protein.

    Hope this helps and if you have any questions feel free to keep us posted.

    Good Luck.:smile:
  • SillyC2
    SillyC2 Posts: 275 Member
    Why am I here? Why am I here? Because I put on about 15 lbs since I took up distance running.

    I was really hoping when I started logging calories that I was making some HUGE mistakes. Nope. Problem is that I'm consistently hungry for about 100 more calories a day than I burn. Over time..... Over a few years.... that's 15lbs.

    When I go to bed hungry, I maintain my weight. When I go to bed not hungry, I gain weight back. When I go to bed so hungry that I want to cry, I lose the weight. Not happy about that.
  • runner475
    runner475 Posts: 1,236 Member
    Why am I here? Why am I here? Because I put on about 15 lbs since I took up distance running.

    I was really hoping when I started logging calories that I was making some HUGE mistakes. Nope. Problem is that I'm consistently hungry for about 100 more calories a day than I burn. Over time..... Over a few years.... that's 15lbs.

    When I go to bed hungry, I maintain my weight. When I go to bed not hungry, I gain weight back. When I go to bed so hungry that I want to cry, I lose the weight. Not happy about that.

    I couldn't post this for OP, at this time, she ain't logging regularly.

    But I think the video may help in this situation. I don't know what your logging looks like but have a feeling should help.
  • SillyC2
    SillyC2 Posts: 275 Member
    Why am I here? Why am I here? Because I put on about 15 lbs since I took up distance running.

    I was really hoping when I started logging calories that I was making some HUGE mistakes. Nope. Problem is that I'm consistently hungry for about 100 more calories a day than I burn. Over time..... Over a few years.... that's 15lbs.

    When I go to bed hungry, I maintain my weight. When I go to bed not hungry, I gain weight back. When I go to bed so hungry that I want to cry, I lose the weight. Not happy about that.

    I couldn't post this for OP, at this time, she ain't logging regularly.

    But I think the video may help in this situation. I don't know what your logging looks like but have a feeling should help.

    I can't speak for the OP, but measuring isn't really my problem (and I have a scale anyhow). I'm not in a position where I'm wondering why I'm not "losing weight". My weight gain has come on very slowly, at like 4 lbs a year since taking up distance running. That's super slow and honestly took me 3-4 years before I was totally convinced it was real and not just a function of hopping on the scale at different phases of the menstrual or pooping cycle.

    I'm just.... simply..... too hungry. I don't binge eat. I don't have a lot of bad habits. I crave sugar, but I've confirmed that I only crave sugar when I've run a large deficit for a while, which is what I've suspected all along.

    It doesn't matter whether I'm making mistakes with measuring, honestly - if I'm hungry constantly when I maintain weight.
  • Lard_Vader
    Lard_Vader Posts: 138 Member
    I meant to reply to this thread once again to comment that long runs make me feel the opposite. I also feel like that might be due to extreme heat/humidity conditions. For example, last Saturday I had a 18 mile run and I didn't feel much like eating afterwards (forced some fruit and a bar though). I used to have similar circumstances with long rides in the summer, lack of appetite post-ride.

    Generally speaking, I don't think I am every really hungry unless I am stacking mileage (like a few weeks ago I put in 475 run/bike miles). However, that was more for hungry with lack of time to eat with so much time spent on the bike and running.
  • NoxDineen
    NoxDineen Posts: 497 Member
    Glad to hear I'm not the only one. I love running, but I hate the constant hunger and fantasies about junk food that seems to come with it.

    Has anyone had luck with running in the evening instead of the morning? Maybe sleeping through the worst of the hunger?
  • SillyC2
    SillyC2 Posts: 275 Member
    Glad to hear I'm not the only one. I love running, but I hate the constant hunger and fantasies about junk food that seems to come with it.

    Has anyone had luck with running in the evening instead of the morning? Maybe sleeping through the worst of the hunger?

    Yes, actually! This works pretty well for my EATING but works not so great for my training because I'm lazier in the evenings. Sometimes.