Curious about all the pump options - join this 6/29

carolinatx Posts: 58 Member
Which pumps work the best? What are the different features? How do you get one, and will insurance cover it? We'll discuss these questions and more, next Sunday in the TuDiabetes chat room.

1-2pm PT
4-5pm ET
9-10pm GMT
This is not a webinar or live interview. This is a discussion among members of TuDiabetes, in the TuDiabetes chatroom. Log into the chat room at the designated time to discuss insulin pumps.
Which pumps work the best? What are the different features? How do you get one, and will insurance cover it? We'll discuss these questions and more...
If you have questions, please ask them! And if you have answers please come and share them!
Together we are a font of knowledge :)

I'm not part of this group, but saw it as a post on FB so wanted to share with my other Type I's out there :)