Finished Breast Feeding, need help losing weight

So, I ended up with Pre-eclampsia during my 36th week of pregnancy and had to have an emergency c-section (after planning a natural water birth not really my idea situationI), all went well my daughter is perfect, but she had a weak suckle and wasn't able to get much. After 6 months of partial breast feeding and supplementing, I ended up with viral meningitis and in the hospital for nearly a month, because of the medications I am currently on I had to stop breast feeding. And am rapidly gaining weight, partially the no breast feeding and partially not changing eating habits, and partially the medications I am on.

Looking for any and all suggestions! I feel like life is so BUSY not, I lost 60lbs about 6 years ago, but I was single and had all the time in the world to prep food and work out. Current plan is to cut back to 1450 for calories, run or bike 3 times a week, and see if I can get her to play in her activity jumper for 30 minutes while I do the 21 day fix video's. How to people have time to do everything, I feel like with working full time at a high demand job, and stuff around the house, I want to take the little time we have together and just play with her not workout... But I know I should be working out!


  • Morgaine_on_the_move
    Morgaine_on_the_move Posts: 228 Member
    Wow, you've dealt with a lot! I think in order to lose weight, all you really need is a calorie deficit and maybe a little exercise--walking or running with your daughter in the stroller, and maybe some weights while she's playing ( I can usually squeeze in some weights while my 9-month-old crawls around on the floor). You could also go to the gym after she goes to bed, but you'd have to give up some housework and significant other time as well. It's definitely tough figuring it all out.

    I planned for a natural, unmedicated birth as well, but had to have an emergency c-section too. So it goes! They're both here healthy and safe.