How long did it take you to lose the baby weight?

Hello All,

*** I searched for this question before posting it and couldn't find exactly what I was looking for, still I apologize if anyone finds it repetitious, feel free to post any links to different threads if you feel it will help :flowerforyou: ***

So I'm expecting my first in December, and I'm thrilled. He or she will be like an adorable early Christmas gift to my husband and me :heart:

And I know I shouldn't be worried about this...BUT I am, and it's all I can do not to ask every single formerly pregnant lady I've ever known how long it took them to get back to their pre-pregnancy weight, if at all. So everyone, please, tell me your story here. And when I say I want to know everything, I mean everything. I know that every woman, and every woman's pregnancy is totally different, but I still want to you hear from you mommas. It would help to know your approximate starting weight/BMI prior to pregnancy, how much you gained during pregnancy, about how much you lost within a week or so of delivering your bundle of joy, how long it took to take of the remainder of the weight, if you were breastfeeding, even your height. You know, just all the details :wink:

As for myself, I'm 5'8" and I weighed entirely too much before getting pregnant. (Fortunately?) at 14wks + 3 days, I have yet to gain a pound, so I'm still sitting at 224. I feel really guilty for not being in better shape before getting pregnant, again I know that isn't rational and I'm trying not to worry about it. In any case, my last ultrasound at 12 weeks revealed a proper sized baby and all my blood work is in order, so my doctor doesn't seem too concerned yet.

So, sorry for the novel, and thank you in advance for the replies, I really do appreciate it!!!


  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    With my first pregnancy, I started off around 150 (I'm 5'4), but was really out of shape. I'd been smoking/drinking daily before getting preggo and worked long hours at a factory. I gained 46lbs, but was hugely swollen. Lost 30lbs in the first 3 weeks, but then stayed there for about 10 months b/c I didn't know how to diet. (I was also exclusively breastfeeding). I started walking a lot and lost about 10lbs between 10-16 months PP. Then my cousin introduced me to WW (weight watchers) online, and I went from 158 to 138 in 3 months! I started running and doing tae bo and got in really good shape.

    My next pregnancy, I started off at 138lbs. Exercised and ate healthy throughout and still gained 45lbs! lol But I was in much better shape. No swelling at all. I was down 20lbs in the first 2 weeks. By just eating healthy, but not tracking or limiting calories due to breastfeeding, and doing a lot of running/Jillian DVD's, I had lost 35lbs by 6 months PP. (Hitting 148). I got stuck around there due to holiday eating, etc and didn't lose the last 10 until around a year PP. Then I went on to lose another 10-15lbs over the ext year and got down to my ultimate goal of the 120's.

    This time, I am just planning on it taking a year. I hate dieting, so I am just going to hopefully get in a lot of exercise and weight lifting, drink tons of water, and nurse on demand. If it takes less than a year, great. If not, no big deal! As long as I'm losing inches and turning the fat back into muscle, I will be happy with my progress! lol
  • mommyrunning
    mommyrunning Posts: 495 Member
    The answer is complicated. But there are things you can do now to make it easier later. Regular exercise even walking and eating healthy to avoid excessive weight gain will make the journey afterwards easier. Also in my experience C section vs Vaginal delivery can matter since one requires more healing time usually.

    Here's my info: (I am 5' 3")

    2008 Baby #1 I was 140 lbs. starting weight. I was in decent shape and never worried much about weight. Up until about 3 months before getting pregnant I was running several miles most days. I had in my mind pregnancy was a free pass to take it easy and eat whatever. I didn't exercise much and was not watching what I ate. I gained 40-45 lbs. I didn't weigh myself right after but I felt fine to be moving around the next day. I breast fed and pumped until baby was 4-6 months old.

    A couple months after baby was born I discovered MyFitnessPal and began logging my food. I used Couch to 5K to get back into running and tried P90X off and on along with Jillian Michaels DVDs. When my daughter was 10 months old I was 158 lbs. (18 lbs. heavier than prebaby). A year later I got down to 123 lbs. (17 lbs. less than prebaby) but was not toned in my midsection as before baby.

    Over the next few years I hovered in the 130s and got back into running regularly.

    2013 Baby #2 140 lbs. starting weight and I was training for a marathon running around 20 miles per week. However, my doctors discouraged me from continuing my runs (looking back that was stupid) and so I exercised less than I wanted to but more than the first pregnancy. I had terrible nausea all the time and resorted to eating whatever I could stomach. I gained 45-50 lbs. this time (around 185-190). A week after baby was born I was at 169. I lost another 10 lbs. in the next 2 months then stayed in the 150s for the next year. I mostly let life get in the way and wasn't trying hard to lose the weight. I had an emergency C-section and wasn't cleared to exercise until about 2 months after giving birth so that factored in. I started exercising but it was uncomfortable. I breast fed and or pumped almost exclusively until May then I started weaning our daughter and now breastfeed at night only.

    I started logging my food consistently again in May and surprise found out I am pregnant with baby # 3 not long after. Starting weight 149. I am now 10 weeks pregnant and haven’t' gained any weight. I am not trying to lose or diet but I do log everything and try to get at least 30 minutes of walking most days though I am trying to adjust my schedule to allow more exercise. I have my goals set to gain 1/2lb and allow another 200 calories for breastfeeding and pregnancy. I am hoping to avoid a repeat c section this time so I can get back to exercising quickly.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I was slightly overweight when i got pregnant with my first, and around a US size 10. I didn't actually weigh myself after my first, but I'm guessing I needed to lose about 35lbs and it took me about 4 months to get into my fitted dresses, but around 10 months to get back into my jeans, and then they were still tighter. I exercised loads and had personal training sessions. I mainly went to the gym for exercise rather than classes, and I really restricted my calories.

    So I was still slightly overweight when I got pregnant 2nd time, when my first was 13 months. I didn't exercise much in that pregnancy and gained loads. 8 weeks post partum I was 220lbs. I'm 5'6. I spent a year doing PT sessions twice a week and gymming, and was back in my pre pregnancy jeans by then. Then I joined MFP and started eating more, and added classes so was doing aerobics, step, Zumba, spinning, boxercise.... I got down to 154lbs and a size 6/8 after maybe another 6-8 months.

    So I started my 3rd pregnancy in great shape, exercised throughout and logged my calories and still gained weight. Sigh. So I'm now nearly 8 weeks post partum. I've been logging since 3.5 weeks, walking loads and been back at the gym/classes for a week. I haven't weighed myself but I reckon I need to lose about 30lbs. I'm hoping to do it by Xmas. I figure I started from a better fitness level this time and I have better knowledge of how to eat well to lose weight. Plus I now have 3 kids to run round after!
  • acampbe2umd
    acampbe2umd Posts: 145 Member
    Height - 5'7"

    2008 - Baby#1 - I weighed 142 pre-pg and gained 43lbs while pregnant. I lifted and worked out my entire pregnancy. I was down to 148 at my 2 weeks post partum appointment (read - I had ended up with major stitches and had to have permanent sutures removed). I got to 142 around 10 months pp and even dropped to 140 for awhile, but ultimately decided I was happier around the 142-145 range. I continued to lift and do cardio post partum. This was when I started running a lot more. Previously I tried various cross training things at the gym.

    2010 - Baby#2 - I weighed 146 pre-pg and gained 39lbs with my second pregnancy. Still very active, lifting and working out/running throughout my entire second pregnancy. Due to the complications of the first delivery, they were advising a C-section. Recovery was different. They sewed my abs together while doing the C-section to help guide them back together after being stretched out. This made them a lot more sore, so I was really light on ab work until about 16 weeks pp. I got back into my lifting and cardio/running again though at 6 weeks as recommended. I was down to my pre-pg weight around 10 months pp as well.

    2013 - Baby#3 - I weighed 150 (notice the slight creep with each kid :) ) and gained 33 lbs this pregnancy. Again active, lifting and cardio (mostly swimming this pregnancy because my back was out of whack a lot and this was easier on my joints) until I delivered. Repeat c-section and they sewed my abs again. Lost the weight by around 7 months pp; however my body was different due to lifting and cardio. This is a classic example of why the scale is a bad measurement tool because even though the weight was down and back to "normal", my measurements were up. Now, I'm 15 months pp, I'm still sitting at 150 and my body is slowly coming back to where it was. My waist is still up 3 inches from my pre-pg (with baby #1), but the rest of me is back even though my weight is higher than baby #1. And I continue to work at it and make progress!

    It's such a long journey for most women and it's easy to get discouraged, but just remember to take each day as it comes and when you have a bad day, move on to tomorrow and begin again.
  • papagal212
    papagal212 Posts: 93
    Baby#1 I weighed 145 pre-pregnant and I'm 5'5. Got up to 192 (so gained 47lbsish) 1month PP I had only lost 20# from water weight and baby and was left with everything else. BOOO. I didn't start "dieting" until 9months PP because I always "failed" at it. Never could stick to any diets really. FINALLY I got sick of how I looked and started WW. I went from 170 to 123 in like 7-8months. My daughter was around 17months old I believe. (yes I weighed 22lbs LESS than prepregnant, my husband had a hot momma LOL)
    Baby#2 Started off 123-125(I was in maintaining mode) Counted calories my WHOLE pregnancy and exercised on a daily basis. Still put on 34lbs. Lost about 15-17lbs right after birth and didn't start losing until 3months PP. It took a lot longer to lose the weight with #2. At 3months PP I weighed 145-146 (4-5lbs MORE than after 1month PP, yes I gained some weight) and SLLLLLLOWLY lost weight until I became pregnant with #3. I got down to 126 when my son was 14-15months old. Then I went to maintaining mode and put on 2lbs to average 128, then I became pregnant with #3. lol
    #3 started off at 128 and currently 12weeks pregnant and weigh 130. I'm hoping to stay 25-30lb range. We'll see. I'd give it atleast 1-1.5yrs to lose the weight if you are breastfeeding (which I did both times, that's why it took soo long to lose, BREASTFEEDING DOES NOT MAKE YOU LOSE WEIGHT) LOL
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 544 Member
    I'm 5'3.

    Baby 1 - started at 144. On very limited activity weeks7-14. No weight gain until 12 weeks and then I started to gain 1-3 lbs per week. Went 10 days overdue and gained a total of 50 lbs. I was kind of depressed when I left the hospital 7 lbs lighter (baby was 6lbs 15 oz). Over the next week I lost about 1 lbs/day/ After that, I lost about 1-2lbs/week with minimal effort until I got to 150 lbs. Then I had to work at it for the last 10 lbs. I did lots of walking during that time and some DVD exercise.

    Pregnancy 2 - started at 140. Gained 4 lbs by week 12. Found out I'd had a missed miscarriage, got depressed about my body not letting me know something was wrong (still had horrible morning sickness). Gained 5 more lbs as a result.

    Baby 2 - started at 149. On very limited activity weeks 6-14. No weight gain until 12 weeks then a similar pattern. I had her at 33 weeks and I had gained 40 lbs. I lost 5 lbs after birth (4 lbs baby). I lost some weight after that but not much because I ate like crap during the NICU stay. By 6 month PP, I still had 20 lbs to go. I joined a gym with free childcare and went to classes every day. I loved it. It took almost a year but I got back and I was in better shape.

    Went back to work, moved long distance.... up 20 lbs.

    All my pregnancies have horrible morning sickness. Only time I didn't feel like actively being sick was if I was eating (this was on medication, without medication I lost 8 lbs in 5 days, this was maintained until 12 weeks when I started gaining). First pregnancy I ate healthy, next ones not so much. I breast fed both kids Breast feeding was hard to lose weight because it made me starving.
  • TheNewoImproved
    TheNewoImproved Posts: 72 Member
    Thank you so much everyone!!!
    I really do appreciate reading all of your stories :smile:
  • lina011
    lina011 Posts: 427 Member
    5'8 starting weight first baby 145 pounds delivery I weighed 185 pounds within a month was 175 by doing nothing but breastfeeding fast track 6 months later 163pounds formula feeding and exercing intensely 5 days a week for 60min never got to pre baby weight:(

    Second baby starting weight 163pounds at 38 wks I weigh in at 211 pounds so about the same gain both pregnancies just started of heavier pre baby weight ... Hopefully ill get too 163 pounds again may have to try alot harder this time.

    My BMI was average for me... Weight was within my range of height before both babies, I had a fat check before second baby and I was at 19%

    I gained most of my weight second trimester ... I exercised regularly 4 x a wk but not as intensely walking and t25 mostly kept my calories at 2500 a day, walked alot in first pregnancy as well up to an hr 4 x a wk.
  • nicolemviolette
    nicolemviolette Posts: 105 Member
    I just had my first baby a little over a month ago. When I got pregnant I was 125/128 pounds (my weight was fluctuating), I am 5'11" tall so I was very underweight for my height, probably because I hardly ate and was extremely active. So when I got pregnant and started eating a little more, my weight shot up. I gained a total of 60 pounds while I was pregnant, bringing me up into the 180's. 2 weeks later I was down to 159 pounds, which my doctor said was too much too fast and I needed to slow down with the weight loss. ( I was losing so much because when pregnant my calorie goal was 2000 and I was eating about 2500 every day, then the day I gave birth I dropped my calorie goal to 1200, but was only eating between 6-800) exactly one month PP and I am down to 154 pounds which is right where my doctor wants me. My BMI is currently 22. I am hoping to get back down to about 140/135 pounds within the next month or so.
    A few pieces of advice, if you don't want to gain too much during your pregnancy, eat healthy and exercise. I walked about a mile a day on my treadmill, did yoga, and did some low impact aerobic workouts just about every day. I tried to eat healthy but sometimes that didnt go so well. Lol, I wish I hadnt given in to my pizza and cheesecake cravings so much, because then maybe I would already be down to my pre pregnancy weight again. Good luck with everything!
  • kalyrra
    kalyrra Posts: 672 Member
    I'm 5'10", and I started my first pregnancy at 195 lbs. I weighed 245 when I delivered my son. Within the first 2 months, I dropped back down to 212 lbs (I was breastfeeding, not exercising). I stopped weighing myself (bad decision), and when my son started dropping his feeds and sleeping through the night, I didn't alter my calorie intake to compensate and I started gaining weight. By the time he was a year old, I was back up to 252 lbs due to poor eating habits.

    I started this pregnancy off at 240 lbs, and with the morning sickness dropped down to 223 lbs before stabilizing. Now I've gained about 5 lbs back (at almost 23 weeks) and I'm trying to stay at a 15 lb limit. I would LOVE to deliver weighing less than I did when I got pregnant, but not sure if that will be feasible for me. I tend to gain a lot in the end of pregnancy.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    I'm 5'9" tall.

    Baby #1 - Started at 139lbs, but was more "skinny fat" than fit. First tri was rough because of fatigue and hunger. I stopped logging my food because seeing the red number at the bottom of my diary was depressing, and I felt like it was more important to feed myself/baby than pass out from hunger because I was trying to stay within a certain calorie range. Started logging again early in the second trimester. Set my calorie goal to maintenance and updated my weight every now and then and my calorie goal would go up a little each time. Ate mostly healthy (I needed SOME treats!), only logged on week days and took weekends off, ate my exercise calories, and exercised up until my due date. I had gained 36lbs when baby arrived at just over 40 weeks. Weighed myself 3 days PP and was only down about 7-8 lbs, which was disappointing because my baby was 7 lb 12 oz. Like someone else said, though, there was a lot of water weight that came off on its own because of bad night sweats and lots of peeing. I exclusively breast fed, started easing back into exercise at 6 weeks PP (walked a tiny bit prior to that point, but I had a bad tear and was quite sore down below for a long time), and started logging full time I think around 8 weeks PP. (I found logging, new baby + all that went with it a bit overwhelming at first, so I ditched the calorie counting and focused on healthy eating while I was getting used to life as a new mom). By 12 weeks PP I had about 13 lbs left to lose and I worked HARD to lose those last pounds. I was eating about 1800 cals/day (1300 to lose 1 lb/week, plus 500 for EBFing) plus exercise calories (so 2000+ most days). My loss was totally random. I wouldn't lose for weeks, then suddenly drop 2 lbs. I was down to PP weight (139) by 6.5 months PP, and down to 134.5 another month later. Slacked with logging (but not my exercise, I kept up the same activity level) and was back up to 138 within a few months. Seems to be where my body is "happy" with little effort.

    Baby #2 - Currently expecting, 27 weeks along right now. Started this pregnancy at fit 138.5lbs (only 0.5 lb lighter than last time, but at least 1 jean size smaller, 3 dress pant sizes smaller), where I had been sitting for several months with little/no calorie counting, just healthy eating and exercise. This time around I had a lot of nausea (and a bit of vomiting) that was only eased by eating carbs. I went through several boxes of crackers during weeks 6-15! This time I'm taking the "it is what it is" approach to my weight gain. I'm eating healthy, exercising when I can (a little more difficult this time around with a toddler to look after!), and trusting my body to do what it needs to do. I'm up 28.5 lbs right now, and I have to admit it does bother me some times because it's higher than last time, but as long as I'm not loading up on junk food and sitting on my butt all day I'm not going to feel guilty. I would love to have another 35lb-ish gain like last time, but if I go over by 5-10lbs I'm going to try not to worry about it. Hopefully.

    I have to agree with one of the previous posters - breastfeeding doesn't automatically equal easy weight loss. I've seen several moms (both EBFers and formula feeders) who lose weight quickly with little effort, while others work hard, and then some that never do lose it all (or it takes a few years). What works for one mom doesn't necessarily work for another. After your baby arrives be patient! It may (or may not) take several different approaches to losing the weight and it could take a few months to figure everything out. Good luck!
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    Congrats! I'm due in Jan! So exciting!

    I'm 5'1" & was 150lbs pre pregnancy & delivered at 184lbs at 35weeks. (34lb gain). I was on bedrest & ate junk my whole pregnancy!

    At my 6 week post partum appointment I weighed 158lbs. But of course the weight creeped back up! My daughter was 2 before I dropped the baby weight & then some. But I mentally just wasn't ready.

    Exercise when you can & try to watch what you eat & you'll be fine :)
  • asilmegan34
    asilmegan34 Posts: 256 Member
    With my first, I had just lost a bunch of weight and was 9 pounds from being in Onederland (I am 5'10"). I was exercising and eating healthy. But since this was my first and I had had a miscarriage prior, I was very careful in my pregnancy and had a OB who said "eat what you want" and "enjoy this time". I stopped exercising and spent nights laying on the couch. I ate fast food. No surprise I gained over 60 pounds! I was depressed and miserable, and I think it made me post partum depressed (in addition to other things). I was counting on breastfeeding to lose weight, and was eating well and exercising and still not losing weight! Well, I was one of those people who dont lose weight breastfeeding. Once she was 7 months old, I stopped breastfeeding and started losing weight. She is 20 months old, and so in 13 months I have lost 50 pounds. I am 20 pounds from the onederland goal, and am now expecting another baby! I am DETERMINED! to continue to track in My Fitness Pal and exercising. I have wised up that I cant eat what I want, I cant eat a lot of sugar, and that I have to be active. I am still running 5k races and biking and swimming and 30 day shred. Please feel free to add me for support :) Already I am tired, but I made a deal that if I am supposed to exercise that I will still exercise, but if I am just feeling worn down then I will listen to my body and slow down or stop. But I have noticed I always feel better after I exercise. I want to be healthy for myself and my daughter, and I want to be a hot pregnant woman, damnit!
  • spunkychelsea
    spunkychelsea Posts: 316 Member

    Baby #1: PP 157 lbs (overweight - according to my booking apt almost obese). Had gestational diabetes and got put on a diet (no meds). Gained 23 lbs total - 180 lbs. 8 days pp I was back to 157 lbs. Lost a little more, gained some back. Joined a gym at 6 months postpartum and lost 10 lbs in the next couple of months, got pregnant 8-9 months postpartum.

    Baby #2: PP 147 lbs (only slightly overweight now). Was worried I'd have gestational diabetes again, so started eating all the naughty foods. Didn't have it, kept eating. Was 193 at full term (46 lbs). I refused to step on a scale until 2 months postpartum. Was 171 (Only lost 22/46 lbs). Found MFP. Started counting calories I remmeber 1500 being too few, so I ate more than that. Was breastfeeding, started walking. Walking while either wearing your baby and pushing the other or pushing a double stroller with both is hard work. I tried to do a 1.5 mile walk 2-3 times a week (so not a ton of exercise). By the time I got pregnant again at 6-7 months postpartum (so 5 months of counting calories and walking) I was down to 135 lbs (down 58 lbs from full term - or 36 from when I started).

    Baby #3: PP 135 lbs (healthy weight! Finally!). Counted calories starting halfway through as I gained quickly over the holidays. Got my crap together. I think I ate 1700-2000 calories. But ate more if I felt like it on occasions. (I'm short so I didn't need a ton). Gained 22 lbs (157 day I delivered. Couldn't believe it as this was my STARTING weight with my first!). Came home from the hospital was 148.8 REALLY? 2 weeks and 4 weeks postpartum I was 142.6 (my mom came and cooked week 3 so I didn't lose any weight and actually gained some back!). 6 weeks postpartum tomorrow and I am 139.8 (down 17.2lbs). So I still have 4/5 lbs to go. Then I hope to get to 125, a better weight for my frame - that I haven't been in 8 years.

    Honestly I was so disappointed with my loss after baby #3. I figured since I lost 23 lbs from delivery with my 1st I'd be back at pp weight within about a week. So not so. Someone said something somewhere in this pregnancy forum about whatever you gain prior to your 20 week mark will be harder to lose. And that seemed to be very true! WIth my first the 23 lbs I gained was AFTER 20 weeks (I had lost 6 lbs and only gained that back by 20 weeks). With my 2nd I didn't keep track, it depressed me. With my 3rd I gained 9 lbs before 20 weeks and 13 lbs after. The 13 lbs came off within a week, and I've had to watch what I eat and walk to start moving the other 9. I wish I had known that earlier! I would have watched what I ate more earlier on. Something about what's gained before turns into fat? Who knows. Probably isn't really true, but made sense for the 2 pregnancies I kept track of.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Honestly I was so disappointed with my loss after baby #3. I figured since I lost 23 lbs from delivery with my 1st I'd be back at pp weight within about a week. So not so. Someone said something somewhere in this pregnancy forum about whatever you gain prior to your 20 week mark will be harder to lose. And that seemed to be very true! WIth my first the 23 lbs I gained was AFTER 20 weeks (I had lost 6 lbs and only gained that back by 20 weeks). With my 2nd I didn't keep track, it depressed me. With my 3rd I gained 9 lbs before 20 weeks and 13 lbs after. The 13 lbs came off within a week, and I've had to watch what I eat and walk to start moving the other 9. I wish I had known that earlier! I would have watched what I ate more earlier on. Something about what's gained before turns into fat? Who knows. Probably isn't really true, but made sense for the 2 pregnancies I kept track of.

    Crap! At 20 weeks I was already up about 20 lbs, so if it's true I'll be finding the last 20 hard to lose instead of the last 13-15 like last time. :ohwell: I did mention my rapid early weight gain to my midwife, and she said if you have a lower body fat % you tend to gain more quickly in the beginning because your body needs the extra fat. (I started both pregnancies at the same weight, but much fitter/thinner the second time around). Make sense, and sounds just like what you've heard about what you gain before 20 weeks turning to mostly fat (although I'm really hoping some of it is fluid/blood)! Ah well, it will come off eventually. As long as baby is healthy that's all that matters!
  • TheNewoImproved
    TheNewoImproved Posts: 72 Member
    Thank you again, everyone, for your replies. They really are incredibly helpful!