Goal and Motivation



  • changsofa
    changsofa Posts: 37
    Can't upvote in MFP forum, so I guess I'll just do a shout-out of the shameless fact that WE ARE ALL WORKING FOR THEM ABS AND THEM BUTTS lol
    Also HI to everyone! Excited we got a little group going :)

    Little group went from 20ish to 70 members in a span of about 8 hours XD I can't believe it!! This is awesome though.

    What's the orange theory group??
    I'm studying abroad in London in the fall and I'm afraid everything's going to go to hell. I know my nutrition/training won't be as on point as the summer but hopefully I'll still keep up with these communities!

    London?? How nice! I heard the food there sucks compared to the US though. Maybe is a good opportunity to slim? lol
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    Aedreana here, hi all. I have not started my diet yet but plan to soon. I am 5' 3 1/2" and 121 pounds, 36"-29"-34" and wear size 4 jeans. I do not know yet what my best weight is; however, I have decided I am too fat. As you all know, a few pounds makes a huge difference on a small frame. And as you all also know, when only a few pounds over ideal weight, we cannot lose 4, 5, 6 pounds/week like those who weigh more than us can! I don't exercise; I will do it by counting calories. And I have been a vegan since age 18 (I am 61). The reason I have not pinpointed my ideal weight is that menopause redistributed my weight, even though my weight did not change. So now my waist is bigger and my hips/butt smaller. I will need to experiment with different weights to narrow down to that magic number where I will look most well-proportioned. I already know that I don't want to be model-thin.I am only fat in the midriff/waist/belly, no other areas. Because of my age, if my weight drops too low I get upper arm wrinkles. So just a few pounds to have more of a waistline without sacrificing smooth arms-- until I can win enough $$$$$$ in a sweepstakes or contest to get plastic surgery! I know I must be at my optimum weight before plastic surgery because gaining or losing after plastic surgery will undo the results. So those are my goals.
  • BaDaSsBrUnEtTe
    BaDaSsBrUnEtTe Posts: 518 Member
    hello everyone! so nice to find a group of people with similar stats and goals!


    -GW 115lbs
    -lower body fat
    -25 inch waist
    -booty gains

    -not being skinny fat
    -looking good nekid

    -lifting heavy
    -1300-1500 calories a day
    -hitting my macros
  • Hey! I'm so happy that I found the group through Reddit since it can be so hard to loose the last 10lbs when you're already pretty small. I'm almost always a lurker, but I know that actively participating will be way more helpful!

    Height - 5'4
    SW: 132
    CW: 124
    GW: 112

    Other Goals:
    -lower body fat
    -arms that actually look like I lift
    -be able to do clapping push-ups
    -PR in the half marathon (goal- 1:43. October)

    -feeling good about myself
    -kicking my binge eating habit once and for all

    -hour long spin class 2x per week
    -3 runs per week (2 med distance, 1 long. Will drop spin in September to prepare to race)
    -3 1-hour long metabolic circuit training classes per week
    -1500-1600 calories per day with a 40p/30c/30f breakdown

    Currently my body is defying the laws of thermodynamics and is holding on to all the fat. It is very had to stay motivated.
  • chotachan
    chotachan Posts: 1
    Height: 5'3
    SW: 205lbs
    CW: 124lbs
    GW: 115lbs

    Other goals:
    - get to goal and STAY there
    - start lifting weights (can't do so for another 6 weeks but I can't wait to start!)
    - stop freaking out about going slightly over calories etc. Basically learn to be less strict with myself (but not too lenient either ha!)
    - eat more protein and less carbs
  • jmb5311
    jmb5311 Posts: 10
    I love this idea! I try to tell everyone I want to lose a little weight and everyone tells me I am fine. But I would feel so much better. I definitely need moitvation as well! I really have an issue with stress/mindless eating. My hope was to reach my goal weight by my wedding, but it is very close now (September 12) so I would be happy with losing a good chunk before the big day.

    Height: 5'3"
    Current Weight: 142 lbs
    Goal Weight: 125 lbs

    Current Method: I keep going back and forth between eating 1200 calories/day or closer to my BMR of 1350 calories/day.
    I try to do the elliptical several times a week, as well as a weight lifting class called Body Pump. I have a lot of obstacles to overcome, Type 1 Diabetes, Metal Rod in Left Leg (can't do anything that involves running or jumping). I would probably be a great case study for a Personal Trainer...
  • kellyt113
    kellyt113 Posts: 3
    Thank you for this!
  • kellyt113
    kellyt113 Posts: 3
    I love this idea! I try to tell everyone I want to lose a little weight and everyone tells me I am fine. But I would feel so much better. I definitely need moitvation as well! I really have an issue with stress/mindless eating. My hope was to reach my goal weight by my wedding, but it is very close now (September 12) so I would be happy with losing a good chunk before the big day.

    Height: 5'3"
    Current Weight: 142 lbs
    Goal Weight: 125 lbs

    Current Method: I keep going back and forth between eating 1200 calories/day or closer to my BMR of 1350 calories/day.
    I try to do the elliptical several times a week, as well as a weight lifting class called Body Pump. I have a lot of obstacles to overcome, Type 1 Diabetes, Metal Rod in Left Leg (can't do anything that involves running or jumping). I would probably be a great case study for a Personal Trainer...

    Congrats on your wedding! I'm getting married next April and hope to be pretty fit by then too!
  • MinaValkyrie
    MinaValkyrie Posts: 9 Member
    First off congrats to you fellow brides out there! I'm getting married this December so we can certainly vent about that too if you like (wedding planning is more stressful than I thought it would be!).

    Thanks for inviting me - I'm a bit outside the weight right now, but hopefully won't be for too terribly long, and look forward to drawing some motivation from the group - I need it.

    Height: 5'3"
    SW: 190
    CW: 172ish
    GW: 127

    - Get down to 127
    - Build some muscle with weight training
    - Complete a half marathon in October (Hershey Half) and some 5ks along the way
    -Eat better

    - Wedding in December that I'd like to be closer to the weight where we dated for (my engagement pics are nice but kinda highlight how much weight I've gained in college)
    - Watching my running distance (slowly) improve
    - Wanting to break out all my old clothes that beckon me from the depths of the basement
    - Having a roommate (also my gym and running buddy) here to help keep me accountable, I'd have fallen off the wagon if it wasn't for her, and it's been even better since she moved in
    -I already paid the money for the half marathon and I refuse to waste $80+ on something I can't/won't do


    - Weight Training routine 2-3xweek just set up with the personal trainer at Planet Fitness (tracking sheet for reps & weight)
    - Runkeeper - I'm now using this for all exercise tracking (I used to use Nexercise but got tired of double inputting since that app doesn't hook into others). They also have running programs in it so I've been doing the Beginner 5k which will culminate in my first 5k next Friday. Then we'll start on 5k-Half marathon training, all runs are 2-3x week. Also - Runkeeper connects with MFP directly so the calories and exercise come over almost immediately which I love.
    - Tracking calories with MFP, I used to do this and lost weight but I'm bad at staying accountable and....I love food so I'm trying to get better at loving the right food and actually tracking it all.
  • jpdanh
    jpdanh Posts: 37 Member
    Wow - should add to the Motivation list: You Ladies!
  • jmb5311
    jmb5311 Posts: 10
    I love this idea! I try to tell everyone I want to lose a little weight and everyone tells me I am fine. But I would feel so much better. I definitely need moitvation as well! I really have an issue with stress/mindless eating. My hope was to reach my goal weight by my wedding, but it is very close now (September 12) so I would be happy with losing a good chunk before the big day.

    Height: 5'3"
    Current Weight: 142 lbs
    Goal Weight: 125 lbs

    Current Method: I keep going back and forth between eating 1200 calories/day or closer to my BMR of 1350 calories/day.
    I try to do the elliptical several times a week, as well as a weight lifting class called Body Pump. I have a lot of obstacles to overcome, Type 1 Diabetes, Metal Rod in Left Leg (can't do anything that involves running or jumping). I would probably be a great case study for a Personal Trainer...

    Congrats on your wedding! I'm getting married next April and hope to be pretty fit by then too!

    Thank you! Congrats to you as well!!! You can definitely do it! I know I waited a little too long to get started, but even a little weight loss before the wedding would make me very happy!
  • missjeanlouise
    missjeanlouise Posts: 80 Member

    I'm a short gal who is nearing my goal weight of 125-122ish lbs. The last couple pounds has just been like the clingy dude at a bar who can't read body language.

    AH HA HA HA. That is so true!

    Height: 5'1"
    SW: 136
    CW: 130
    GW: 120?

    - Lower BF%. Don't know it, exactly, but I am squishy
    - Get arm definition
    - Squat butt!
    -Fit into clothes better

    - My kids and husband
    - Plain ol' wanting to look good
    - Feeling like I struggled with bad body image for so many years; would love to increase the number of times I look at myself and feel proud


    - Stronglifts
    - Occasional running
    _daily walks (that I don't count towards my exercise on here, but make me feel better)
  • wisechild14
    wisechild14 Posts: 1 Member
    Hey girls!
    I got here from reddit too! I started my journey after my weight ballooned during my recovery from an ED. I've successfully gone from around 170/165 to 140. I can't give you girls a goal weight because I've discovered that weighing myself is a trigger for me, so instead, I measure myself.

    Height: 5'3"
    Current weight: between 140-145
    Goal weight: I don't care

    My goals are:
    Lower my body fat % to around 20% (or lower, I'd like it to be lower)
    Fit in a size 4 pants (in the waist…I know that my soccer thighs will never fit in a size 4)
    Complete a mud run in August

    I'm starting a job where I'm not only going to be teaching photography and film to high school students, but where I'm also going to be coaching JV boys and girls soccer. I want to be in really good shape for that. I'm also tired of having a love/hate relationship with my body.

    I weight train and do soccer drills. I also have a boxing class that I do at my local gym that I love. For diet, I focus on macros and I'm eating around 1747 calories a day.
  • jennzangl
    jennzangl Posts: 2 Member
    Get down to 125-120 (Currently at 135 and I am 5'3). I think I was a bit below 120 at my 2012 wedding. I was very sick in the months before my wedding so an all liquid diet helped me lose weight - I would much rather do that slowly with healthy foods this time!
    Feel better!
    Get some seriously toned arms
    Lower my resting heart rate
    Slim down my thighs to fit into summer clothes

    I have a condition called Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia syndrome (POTS), which means I get dizzy and sometimes start to faint when I stand up (high heart rate, low blood pressure) along with some other issues. Since I react poorly to beta blockers and other meds, regular exercise is a great way to improve circulation and get my autonomic nervous system working a bit better. Also, my super hot fit husband :)

    I sometimes follow a seated workout (recumbent bike and strength training) program designed for people with POTS. I attend a hatha yoga class and do Dailyburn videos at home.
  • Have been trying to lose 10 to 15 pounds since twins were born. They are 11! It's time.
  • MetalTes
    MetalTes Posts: 20 Member
    Awesome, I think this is the perfect group for me! I'm 5'4", 141 lbs and would like to get down to 125-130-ish. I try not to concern myself TOO much with the scale, as it's more important what the measuring tape around my waist says!

    - Rebuild my strength
    - Fix my weak-*kitten* core muscles!
    - Lose the spare tire and overall lumpy pear shape

    - Show my arthritis who's in charge around here
    - Keeping daily pain to a minimum
    - THIS GUY!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POdzasJklxw
    It's worth watching the whole thing, that is 5 minutes that will get me pumped up and ready to lift!

    - Lift 2 days per week
    - Fluidity bar 2 days per week
    - Yoga every morning
    - Wii fit randomly, as soon as it's hooked up…

    We just moved, so everything is not ready to go, such as the Wii! I'm pretty much finished setting up my workout area though, which is small but has my fluidity bar, dumbbells, weight bench, everything I need. I'm nursing a nagging whiny hip so I'm taking it easy for the rest of this week and will start fresh on monday! I'm 43, have bad knees, a bad hip, scoliosis, rheumatism in my wrists and the arthritis of a 90-year-old in my neck, right between my shoulder blades. It's lovely! LOL! I refuse to let it get the best of me. Everything started feeling better when I stopped listening to doctors and started listening to bodybuilders instead. Slow and steady progress and knowing your body and your limits are the keys for me. I LOVE the feeling of power that comes with lifting just a little more each week!! Got off track with all the packing, planning, moving, etc, and I'm ready to kick some *kitten* again!!
  • Thanks so much for creating this! I haven't found a lot of interest in working out or dieting with real life friends (mostly due to distance to be fair!), so I'm really happy to have found a great group of similar people.

    CW: 128 lbs
    GW: 120 lbs

    Consistent 30 minutes of exercise a day - half cardio/half weights
    (Not a lot I know, but to be honest I've never been very athletic)

    Eating comfort food and munching while reading is one of my (very poor) ways of handling stress. I'm hoping to kick this habit.
  • jpdanh
    jpdanh Posts: 37 Member

    Eating comfort food and munching while reading is one of my (very poor) ways of handling stress. I'm hoping to kick this habit.

    You can do it. I used to have a very poor way of handling stress that involved more harm to myself - I would suggest finding something that can keep you busy during these times. For me, working out has always been a constant stress reliever, and more recently, art.
  • perthy21
    perthy21 Posts: 3 Member
    29 years old, 5-2. I've always had a pretty athletic/sturdy build.

    Goal: to get down to, and stay between 115-120.

    Motivation: you guys! And not outgrowing my clothes, because I don't have money for new clothes. Also, the fitness models on the magazines.

    Method: I don't really exercise much. I have two hour-long yoga sessions each week but am pretty sedentary otherwise (classes, full time job, etc...) I would like to make myself do more yoga and weight exercises at home.

    Struggles: Boredom. And alcohol. Those two are not mutually exclusive. I am also pretty sedentary and live in a very hot state (arizona) so getting outside to do stuff like sports is probably not going to happen.
  • katnisseverduh
    katnisseverduh Posts: 7 Member
    29 Years Old - 5'2.5 (I'm really hanging onto that half an inch guys LOL)

    Goal: To get down to 125ish (Or actually, tbh, just below 130) - Currently resting around 150-155, and for me, this is a pretty comfortable weight. I maintain at about a Size 6 or Size 8, and have always been REALLY curvy. (32G) I've always used the excuse "But this is how I'm BUILT". I can't really cling onto that forever, and I'd truly like to see myself get down to a fighting-weight. I'm done blaming my 'big bones'!

    Method: Been a diet-struggler most of my life, but always been fairly active. Method is to find myself accountable for what I'm actually eating (vs just pretending to know), and to stay consistent with fitness 5-6 days/week - My favorite activities are yoga and kickboxing!

    Struggles: Consistency, faith, self-sabotage. I generally find that when the scale goes the WRONG way (for whatever reason) I am immediately de-flated. I hope having this group to inspire/motivate me will keep me consistent and from jumping off a metaphorical cliff when I want to. :)