Alternative for the drink?

Becre8tive Posts: 108 Member
My problem is to find something to drink that I like that's not water or wine. I don't drink soda's or icetea (can't do caffeine in the evening).

Right now I drink Sparkling Ice (Grapefruit - Coconut/Pineapple - Black Berry) and love it. What do you guys drink?


  • ZericaL
    ZericaL Posts: 11 Member
    This is great topic. I usually only drink coffee/tea/water/booze so it's tuff to find something at night. I bought a pink grapefruit ICE last weekend but have not tried it. Has anybody any luck with the alcohol free wine and beer? I'm afraid it might make me break into the real thing! XD
  • mykizmom
    mykizmom Posts: 191 Member
    I have not replaced it yet, but will have to come up with something for this weekend since I won't be drinking this weekend. Something without sugar and calories.

  • ItsRobyn66
    ItsRobyn66 Posts: 20 Member
    I can't do caffeine in the evening either so I do decaf instead with both coffee and icedtea. Red wine is my weakness so yesterday, I had a Corona Light instead. Was it as satisfying? No. Was it better than drinking the two glasses of wine I usually have every night? Yes. Baby steps. . . :wink: