Wanna start Lifting? Awesome beginners guide

There's a StrongLift 5x5 for Women MFP group and their forum has an awesome how-to-get-started summary. I found it to be much shorter & accessible than the StrongLift wiki!



  • star1yss
    star1yss Posts: 1
    Thanks so much for this! I just started a modified SL 5x5 at home (I only have a curling barbell and dumbells) so that I can get into a rhythm of working out regularly and practice some of the forms. A big issue for me in the past has been staying motivated and having to leave the house to work out (hello yoga gear sitting in my closet), so I'm just on a trial period for now before I spend a lot of money on an olympic barbell. Also, 45lbs to start with seems like so much to start with, so I think this might work out for me so that I don't have to struggle like a weakling in the beginning!
  • katnisseverduh
    katnisseverduh Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks so much for posting! Been terrified of getting back to the weight rack post-trainer, but this is a really great beginners guide. Can't wait to start!