Was really hoping ...



  • LydiaZembower
    LydiaZembower Posts: 136 Member
    I too have a dog and no backyard. We have to go for walks no matter the weather.
    When it is hot, I go early in the day and then again later in the evening. My dog is a Norwegian Buhund so she also prefers cool weather. I take a bottle of ice water and a small bowl and she lets me know when she wants some. It's so cute!!
    I watch the weather as well and when it stops raining we go out.
    We walk 30 min. to 1 hr every time, 2-3 times a day.
    I also started to do Turbo Jam, advanced and managed to lose 4 pounds last week.
    I am hoping to continue to lose the weight as I want to visit family and friends in October.
  • djcangel
    djcangel Posts: 800 Member
    Hello Lydia, welcome to the group. Your Norwegian Buhund, sounds great, I have never heard of a Buhund, or Buhound either, so I am going to have to look that one up. I have 5 house dogs, all Chihuahua's, 2 are rescues, one was born here, and the other two a papered bluebloods....All girls. Since my kids live so far away from me , my four legged babies keep me sane. I love All animals and my hubby and I have had dogs, cats, an iguana, a boa, a parrot, a pond with koi, a domestic rat, a tarantula and a hedgehog. Oh, and I can't forget to mention we raised chickens and goats. On and off it has seemed at times that we had a mini-zoo. We, since retirement have weaned it all down to the 5 dogs. You are doing great it sounds like, with walking, the turbo jam and losing 4 pounds in a week. Best of luck in your endeavors. dj
  • djcangel
    djcangel Posts: 800 Member
    @Lydia, I just looked up the Norwegian Buhund, what a beautiful animal, it reminds me a little of a Samoyed I had once. You have a Very nice dog. dj
  • LydiaZembower
    LydiaZembower Posts: 136 Member
    I just finished reading your 4 pages of discussion and think this is the best group ever!
    I am a 52 mom of 3 boys. Zachary is studying at Colorado School of Mines. He has a BS in Physics engineering and working on his Masters in Computer Science. Cory is studying Film at Full Sail in Florida. My youngest, Max, is 12 and is going to do Turbo Jam with me and be my exercise buddy. I give him $1 per day so he will do it and motivate me.
    I have been homeschooling Max using Calvert, so that is how I spend most of my day.
    Other than Turbo Jam, I walk with Zoey my Norwegian Buhund 2-3 times a day for 1/2-2 hr each time depending on the weather and my mood.
    I also have been on various diets and exercises. I lose weight but then an injury (have a bad back and knee), my frequent migraines, or just depression stops me and the weight goes back up.
    Now I am motivated so that when I vacation this fall, I will be in better shape.
    I lost 4 pounds since last Monday!! I was so glad. It would be wonderful if it would keep up but 2 pounds is more normal.
    I do keep my calorie count between 1200-1600. I have the Body Media Armband and it keeps track of how many calories I burn.
    Sometimes we go bike riding with the dog or play tennis on the weekend. You should see Zoey! She loves tennis, soccer, balloons, and basically any sport you can think of. We just have to make sure it is fenced or she has a tendency to run off if she sees something or someone. I hate that as it takes quite a while to find her again. She doesn't come when called. Stubborn breed!!
    I live in Germany right on the border by the Netherlands. I have lived here for 10 years and before that 7 in England where my last son was born. So if anyone wants to visit, great! I do get lonely here as there are not really any Americans in my little city. I do speak German so I walk with other people that have dogs as well. As I said earlier, we have no yard so we must walk so the dog can go to the bathroom in the farmers' fields. We have a nice wooded area as well 5 min drive from the house. So we walk there sometimes for anywhere from 1-3 hrs as that is how long their paths are. We do take water for ourselves and the dog as well as dog treats.
    I hope this helps you get to know me better. I also love reading, especially the Anita Blake series!
  • djcangel
    djcangel Posts: 800 Member
    Lydia, Thanks for the compliment on our little group, and welcome again. Germany sounds so exotic. I bet the site seeing is great. You really had a full time job with 3 boys, lol. Most of us here are battling our individual aches and pains, so you will fit right in with yours. Get ready for lots of encouragement and congrats. on even the smallest of your wins. We are a team here, and look forward to your input. Have a Great rest of the week. dj
  • DarrylsGinger
    DarrylsGinger Posts: 63 Member
    Welcome Lydia!

    Sounds like an exciting life of travel though I understand how you might get a little lonely for friends/family you've known a long time. What brought you to England and then Germany?

    Kudos to your son for getting paid to exercise. I visited my 18 year old the first month of summer vacation and paid him $50 to be my "fitness coach". lol To his credit he did a good job keeping up with my progress and setting exercise goals for me. They definitely know how to make a buck. lol

    I've read Anita Blake in the past, along with Sherrilyn Kenyon. At the moment, I'm just reading for a history class I'm taking so the for pleasure stuff is waiting patiently.

    Where is your son in Florida? I'm originally from Lakeland which is between Tampa and Orlando. I moved to Louisiana a couple of years ago to get married but I go back a couple/three times a year.

  • janet41283
    janet41283 Posts: 217 Member
    Hey Lydia! Welcome! You sound busy, busy!!! I laughed when I read you pay your son to exercise with you. Cute! Whatever works! But seriously, it is good to have the support. You are fortunate. You have lived in different places, and that interests me so much. Most of you have lived in more than one place. I have been in the same town my entire life! I do enjoy traveling, though. We plan a trip to Europe next May. Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, maybe France. Went to Italy last year and loved every moment of it. Our next trip is one just laying around on the beach. In 3 weeks we go to Riviera Maya in Mexico. Can't wait! Home schooling sounds like a lot of work.....you must be very organized, Lydia! Sandy, DJ, and everyone else, I hope the beginning of the week is going well!
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    wow..thank you ALL for such a warm welcome. I will try to post a couple of times a week. Today is day 6 of my new attitude, and it is truly making a difference. Anytime I am tempted to stray, I remind myself that this is make it or break it time. So if I break, I am done. My mind truly cannot continue the starting and stopping several times a year and the constant struggle. I no longer want to struggle.......I can no longer struggle. Can anyone else relate?
    It was a very hot (than goodness for air conditioning!) and very busy day for me today. I did Leslie Sansone indoors. And then played with my 3yo granddaughter. (We made a princess fairy garden :). So while I am tired tonite, it was a fun day and I feel so good to have exercised and eaten healthy. But I had to make that my priority over everything else. I think that will be key for me. To make myself and my health a priority has not been easy for me to do. I am praying for strength and courage to continue. I send you all my love and see us all succeeding with renewed health and love of life! Dyanna
  • djcangel
    djcangel Posts: 800 Member
    @Dyanna, That is the attitude I like to hear. Do me a favor, BEFORE, you give up write us a note why. Girl WE ALL get those don't want to do it any more days. I myself struggle with depression and that has stopped me dead in my tracks in the past, but now I have these wonderful friends to turn to. If I am depressed, they lift me up. If I am struggling with hunger, they give me advice. And when I am doing good they are right there with me to celebrate with me. So be strong, keep the faith, and talk to us, that's what we are here for!!! Enjoy the rest of this Week!!! dj
  • LydiaZembower
    LydiaZembower Posts: 136 Member
    The reason I am in Germany is that my husband works on the AWACs and is now a NATO civilian. We have been almost where ever they are or at least he has.
    My son, Cory, lives in Altamonte Springs and goes to school in Winter Park, about 20 min. north of Orlando.
    For homeschooling, Calvert sends lesson manuals so all I have to do is teach what they write. They even give out the answers so that if you don't know them, you can still tell your student. They take the work out of planning. I really like the program. I taught my other 2 boys for 4 years and now the classes are much harder than they used to be. More subjects than kids ever get at school. In fact, when my oldest went to a real school, he said that I already had taught him everything that they were teaching. They also barely gave him any work. It still takes time to teach anywhere from 6-8 subjects a day though. I am constantly learning new things everyday. Kids now learn more than we ever did!
    Other than that, I have a migraine today and it is humid here too. Luckily it is around 80 but with high humidity and no AC, it's not so good. I am trying to motivate myself to exercise. It is much harder when your head hurts. Pain meds didn't touch the migraine so I guess I will just have to suffer through and do it anyway. No pain, no gain, or in our case lose of pounds. My mom used to say, "You have to suffer to be beautiful," now I know what she means. Ha, Ha! I hope my head won't explode! :explode:
  • DarrylsGinger
    DarrylsGinger Posts: 63 Member
    Lydia - I'm so sorry about the migraine and the lack of A/C can't possibly make it any better. My mom suffers with them consistently and I did for years but since I left the stress of my last job and moved to Louisiana they've been happily infrequent. *knock wood*
    I really wouldn't worry about doing too much exercise with one. Maybe an ice pack on the back of your neck, a fan and a little nap time in a dark room. Hope you feel better soon.

  • djcangel
    djcangel Posts: 800 Member
    Lydia, I totally agree with Sandy. Take care of the head, try to keep your spirits up. You can always exercise a little more when you feel better...healing thoughts and prayers to you. Feel Better. dj