Who to add as friends!

MetalTes Posts: 20 Member
So, I'm trying to narrow down who to add as friends, if I add all of you I won't be able to keep track of my feed at all! I like to actually be able to encourage and engage with the friends on my feed, so I thought I'd maybe keep it down to 10 or 12 of you and see how that goes. I figure it can't hurt to have things in common, so I'll list a few things and if you think we click, please add me! :)

- I'm 43, so things snap crackle and pop more than they used to
- I love my Fluidity bar, does anyone else use one??
- I eat mostly healthy, local & organic foods, and make a lot of it myself, but sometimes I just need a big ole buttery cheeseburger and a chocolate milkshake at Steak n Shake! :D
- I had a bit of a lapse, but on Monday I'm starting up again with the New Rules of Lifting for Women
- I do a bit of yoga every morning before I do anything else
- I weigh in every sunday, take measurements every 3 or 4 weeks
- I try to log in here every day, but some days I just get busy, and I believe, in the end, it's more important to be doing things rather than posting about doing them, if it comes down to it! So, sometimes I'll miss a day.

If any of that sounds like you, feel free to add me! Heck, if none of that sounds like you and you want to add me, go right ahead! :)
I try to be encouraging and helpful, and give advice where I can, or my opinion if it's relevant, and I'll gladly cheer you on when you're feeling up or help pick you up when you're feeling down.

Ok, enough about me, except one more thing: I tend to stay up too late when I should be sleeping! Like right now, for instance…tsk tsk tsk…so I'm off to bed. Goodnight, hope to have some new friends when I wake up! :)


  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    Greetings! I just successfully completed my diet! I lost those 10 vanity pounds! I am now 111 pounds at 5' 3 1/2." Now, the challenge for me will be maintaining ideal weight. Feel free to check out my profile page-- that's my brand-new "after" photo on there now. I don't send out individual friend requests, but I accept friend requests sent to me. Please feel free to add me. Thank you!