Mint Team Welcome!



  • CriticLite
    CriticLite Posts: 32 Member
    Do they have a continential breakfast, or what are their eating options?
  • LadyRN76
    LadyRN76 Posts: 4,275 Member
    Swimming is a great idea. I always forget about it. I work only a few blocks away from a YWCA and could very easily hit the pool after work. Thanks for the suggestion! I don't have any kettleballs myself but they would likely have some at the gym, or I could also buy some for at home. Do you have any suggestions on what I should get to start with or exercises to do with them?
  • kyoung1908
    kyoung1908 Posts: 409 Member
    Hey everyone so this week at the hotel I tried eating oatmeal (180 calories), greek yogurt (70 calories), and some days I had raisin bran. I think I did pretty good with my breakfast this week. I really need to find something that works for me because I stay in a hotel every other week. I've been thinking about just drinking protein shakes for breakfast. I'm sure I'll have a gain this week due to the fact that I always way first thing in the morning and I'm not going to be able to weigh myself until tomorrow evening :-( I didn't pack my scale.
  • CriticLite
    CriticLite Posts: 32 Member
    Happy Friday everyone!! Don't forget that today's the day to log your weight into the spreadsheet; if you would like, send me your info and I can get it entered for you.

    How did everybody do with their water intake this week? I got in all of my water a few days of the week, but this is something that I really struggle with. I am most definitely going to carry this one over week after week as it is a necessity and I need to work on it!


    I came across this great page from the CDC on recommended activity levels for adults. Check it out!

    How did everybody's week go overall? What will you do differently or stick with for the following weeks?
  • slenderizeme
    slenderizeme Posts: 154 Member
    I didn't do so well this week but I plan on making the upcoming week better. I don't keep track of my water intake because drinking enough water has never been a problem for me. 150 minutes of exercise is a goal I will work towards though. I see you lost 2 pounds so far, criticlite. Congrats!
  • kmm8784
    kmm8784 Posts: 102 Member
    My week didn't go soo bad.. I hit my water intake goal all but one day.. I definitely could have done more workouts but I have this week's mini challenge to attack to meet that goal. I am also doing the mini challenge for this challenge with counting my steps, and boy did I realize how little I move.. For the upcoming weeks I'm going to try and get more steps in as well with getting more workouts in. Hopefully, I'll see a bigger movement with the scale next week.. We can do it!!
  • gigihotetz
    gigihotetz Posts: 36
    I didn't do so well. I didn't drink nearly enough water. I brought plenty of water to work with me, but it's been such a busy week that I didn't even drink it!! And then I was so exhausted, I just went home and ate. :( I did eat lots of fruits and veggies though in between! Hopefully I'll actually lose next week..
  • CStellaGo
    CStellaGo Posts: 273 Member
    Hey team! Great job this week! I did good with my water which I normally do as I got into that habit about 6 months ago and now it's weird if I don't get enough water. I actually crave water now- ya'll will get there. I hope we keep up with all the great logging and keep the team in tact. Keep it up team!
  • LadyRN76
    LadyRN76 Posts: 4,275 Member
    Water weight off from the bloating of too many sodas...and I dropped weight again this week...thank goodness!!! Back at it this week with the water, and slowly working up to working out an hour a day since I hurt my back. Good luck everyone!!!
  • CriticLite
    CriticLite Posts: 32 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! Please don't forget to log your weight into the spreadsheet or if you would like, sent me your number and I will update it for you! Also, if you will not be around for your WI, let me know and I will repost your past WI into the current week so we don't lose you on our team!

    So how did every body's week go with the exercise? I will be the first to admit that I couldn't get mine in. It is something that is always a challenge for me.

    Week 3 mini challenge! RELAX - Take 30 minutes each day to do something for free your mind, be it reading a book, watching a movie, etc. just something you intentionally do for YOURSELF!

    Have a great week everyone!
  • kmm8784
    kmm8784 Posts: 102 Member
    Hey everyone!!! I didn't do all that great this week. I didn't get the workouts in that I wanted to, but I didn't gain or lose, so I'm ook with that. Hopefully this week I can up my game a little bit and really get things going.. Hope everyone has a great week!!
  • slenderizeme
    slenderizeme Posts: 154 Member
    I didn't do so well with the weigh in, but I did get in 165 minutes of exercise this week. I will have to keep up the exercise while lowering my food intake.
  • CriticLite
    CriticLite Posts: 32 Member
    Hello Mint Team!

    How did everybody's week go? I haven't been doing well with tracking but I did manage a loss this week! Totally wasn't expecting that!
  • kmm8784
    kmm8784 Posts: 102 Member
    My week was oook... I started the C25K program this week and I have to admit, I think I like it... I've never been a runner myself, but I can definitely see it in the future... I hope to be able to complete a 5k in a reasonable time.. we'll see.. other then that YAY to the mint team for making it to the top 5 this week.. Congrats everyone. Hope you all have another great week!!
  • slenderizeme
    slenderizeme Posts: 154 Member
    I had a loss this week too which was a very nice surprise. Congrats team!