C-Section Moms & Return to Exercise

draculaspointer Posts: 106 Member
So I had an emergency C-Section after 42 hours of labor...not quite the birth I had imagined. I was/hope to be again a long distance runner and now I am concerned about returning to working out and running. So I figured Id start a thread for us C-Section Moms to discuss how it was returning to working out, any problems they are experiencing, and anything else.

I have my 6 week appointment this week, so I dont know yet how thats going to go, but I have a few questions:

1) Any of you get cleared to return to normal activity and workouts at their 6 week appointment? If you werent cleared, was there an estimated time when you would be cleared?

2) How has working out been? I have been walking 1-4 miles a day usually which has generally been ok, even though I am sore around the incision after, but I am more concerned with impact workouts like running, and strength workouts like lifting.

3) Has your C Shelf shrunk any? I feel like mine is huge and visible through clothes. :(

4) Any other challenges/interesting facts you want to share?


  • LuckyNumbers
    LuckyNumbers Posts: 208 Member
    I had an emergency c-section, too, after about 34 hours of labor, so I feel ya on not having the birth experience you were hoping for.

    I was not committed to exercise before getting pregnant (and was already overweight when I did get pregnant), but I know I have to be now for a multitude of reasons, and especially if I want to not look like I had a c-section! I have not been cleared for exercise yet - I have my 6 week appointment next week, too, but at my 2 week appointment, my midwife cleared me for neighborhood strolls, light household chores, and running errands.

    Don't feel bad about your "shelf", either. I am sure yours is looking better than mine, and you will likely be able to bounce back more easily since you were athletic before giving birth. My incision site feels sore if I overextend, or when LO manages to kick me when she's laying on my chest, but I haven't felt much discomfort with the walks we've been going on. I just feel winded and sad that my thighs rub together more than they used to. I know it will get better, though, as long as I keep at it.
  • anniejeanb
    I had a C-Section 7 weeks ago. I was cleared for whatever at my 6 week visit.. ob said everything was healing great and said if I wanted to start doing planks or whatever to strengthen my abdominal muscles, I could. Did not say *not* to do anything in particular but said that strenuous workouts would probably help me get back in shape faster (I live in a hilly neighborhood and the incline + a stroller on the way back is nightmarish but she said it would be good for me).

    I asked about the shelf.. she said that I would most likely lose more weight and that could cause it to go down a little but that I will always have some sort of a "dimple".. and that is a doctor who performs c-sections regularly who has also had 2 c-sections of her own :/

    So, for me, I am hoping the best outcome but expecting the worst. As far as exercise, I am not going to push it.. it definitely hurts to run up and down stairs because of the flab kind of bouncing around and pulling on scar tissue. I plan on walking a couple days a week and doing recumbent bike a couple days a week and just keeping up with healthy eating. So far I lost the initial 18 lbs from baby and fluid and tissue and since then I've gone down about 3-4 more pounds over the past month, so it is a slow process but I'm sure things will keep on moving I guess.
  • draculaspointer
    draculaspointer Posts: 106 Member
    I was cleared today to workout. My OB didnt even see me, just the medical assistant. She just asked how things were going...didnt even look at it or touch me. But she said I can return to my normal self slowly.

    My incision site is definitely still sore after a long walk or when the baby kicks it. I feel it bouncing too when I do anything fast so Im kinda worried about that, and I feel scar tissue lumps that hurt when I lay on my tummy. Hopefully working out will help break up that scar tissue...and hopefully it wont be too painful to do it!

    I am going on my first walk/run this evening (after it gets under 100 degrees, dang arizona!) so Ill let everyone know how it goes!
  • anniejeanb
    You should look at some compression leggings for workouts maybe.. that will help hold everything in place so it doesn't feel so jostled. I have these ones and really like wearing them under shorts:

  • draculaspointer
    draculaspointer Posts: 106 Member
    How's everyone doing?

    I feel that running has helped break up the scar tissue. Its not nearly as firm or painful anymore. I have almost no more pain around the incision even when running so Im totally shocked!

    Yesterday I ran my first mile without stopping. It was such a mental thing! Today is more of a rest day since my husband is out of town and I have crabby baby to myself and the weather just isnt baby friendly. Im hoping by October to be up to 5K non stop and under 30 minutes. Im hoping by December to be up to 6-8 miles and my 5K time back to pre-pregnancy time (23:05).