New Today

amy_kee Posts: 694 Member
I just joined today, and I can relate to so many of you, from what I've read of the posts in the group. I'm in the 300's. I'm having a lot of trouble right now with motivation to do better. I lose some, and gain it all back. I've been trying and trying. I have health issues and desperately need to lose some weight. I've been dealing with being so over weight, since I injured my spine at work back in 1996. I look forward to being with you all here, and hopefully it will help some.


  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Welcome Amy! Yes, we all have many issues in common, mobility is a huge one for quite a few. I have said it many times because it was what worked for me, focus on the diet, get the weigh off and then exercise. My magic number seems to be 40lbs. Once I lose 40lbs, I always feel so much better and can start moving more. That way I don't get totally overwhelmed.
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Welcome Amy,

    A lot of us are in the same boat, so you have found a good group of ship mates. I started in the 328 range and am down at the moment to roughly 288. I've done the dieting thing several times and failed so it's a bit hard to say why exactly this time seems to be sticking for me. The one thing I put in my head right away was that this wasn't a diet. This was about learning to eat healthy and responsibly. I can easily say I love what I have been eating these past 80 days, even if the calories are in control and my choices are and portion sizes are better. yes I have had to avoid things or let myself know that I can't have that now but in realty I say no to very little. I have no off limits food and I don't play the food "cheating" game. I just want to eat sanely. Thats the mindset that has helped me.
  • artelyn
    artelyn Posts: 175 Member
    Hi Amy, :smile:

    Welcome to our group. They are a wonderful bunch of people and yes, we all have a lot in common when it comes to losing this weight. I think that's why I feel so at home here. Someone can always relate. And it helps a ton to know you aren't alone. Good luck and jump on in!!

    Diana in Maine
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Welcome Amy.

    For me, the key has been to focus on health. This isn't about be losing weight, this is about me gaining healthy. Obsessing about my weight never got me anywhere. Being super restrictive didn't get me anywhere because I'd always go back. Changing one little thing at a time until it becomes habit. Add half a cup of water a day until you hit your goal of half your weight in ounces a day (250/2=125 ounces a day). Focus on cutting sodium. Watching sugar. Fat is good when it comes to helping break sugar cravings. If you have sugar and salt cravings that obscure anything else, see if you can get tested for insulin resistance. It makes a difference to know. So many people have it and never know. Above all, make small changes and make them gradually, so that you can incorporate them into the new you that you are building!

    Best of luck. We're here for you.

    Carly in OK
  • mikesgirl4evr
    mikesgirl4evr Posts: 363 Member
    Welcome Amy. This is a wonderful group of people who understand each other's struggles because most, if not all, of us have been there. We have so many struggles in common. They are also very supportive and the first to lift you up if you need it. I hope you love this group as much as I do. Again, welcome!!
  • loriarty
    loriarty Posts: 33 Member
    Hi Amy! There isn't really anything I could say that these lovely people haven't already said. :) So I just wanted to write a post to welcome you to the group.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Yup, you stumbled upon the crazies here. Good group, completely bonkers. Glad to have you join us.