Check in June 30, 2014

blondageh Posts: 923 Member
Just because it makes me sad to see us miss a day. ????

What happened? Is everyone just dog tired from their busy weekends or what? I know I ended up getting super busy today so water drawing will be soon. Either tonight or tomorrow.

Not much else to report. A ton of life stuff happening, but the diet train just keeps on chugging. Going to work hard this week to have a good loss because we all know what is coming up this weekend. I think we have decided to stay in town for the first time in years so that takes some pressure off...I think.


  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    What can i say, I spent a lot on new tires today and thats just taken the zip out of my day. Plus six hours at a clients home that happened to be lacking in air conditioning. So not much for posting today.

    But hi everyone. Hope you all had a good day.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,103 Member
    Just overwhelmed with everything and not much feeling anything. Completely off the wagon at this point. Just trying to make the "better" choice when possible... *sigh* Anyone know how I can win the lotto???

    Carly in OK