June Fitness Challenge - END

PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
Ok Everyone. The June challenge is over, was 3 days ago.

If you completed the challenge go ahead and make a post letting me know you finished and reposting your log. If you didn't note on your activity list, make a note next to your workouts where you pushed yourself. I'll collect the names and do the drawing. I'll also do some calculations on the amount we all worked out.

Some one might win a fun prize :)


  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    I started the challenge but fell down in the last week. Oh well.
  • tishtash77
    tishtash77 Posts: 430 Member
    *June 1st - low impact aerobics 30 mins followed by yoga 30 mins. 20 mins of brisk walking/trotting alongside son on his bike. (Challenged)
    June 2nd - 30 mins yoga, 25 mins casual walking, 20 mins of brisk walking/trotting alongside son on his bike. (no challenge)
    June 3rd - 30 mins walking, some stretching, giving my left butt cheek a break def no challenge
    June 4th - Scrubbed the floors and that was it. Had great workout plans and as I got up from my chair to do them I pulled my back. I am so over the random pulls and pains I get with this body!
    June 5th - Still sore, insisted on the 5 min walk from car to collect my son from school just so that I got some movement!
    June 6th - 37 mins today slow walking and some light stretching, back is still a little off.
    June 7th - 35 mins
    June 8th - 10 mins walking
    June 9th - 30 mins walking
    June 10th - 39 mins walking and stretches
    June 11th - 20 min walk. Feeling better so gonna bump it up soon again, yay I guess!
    June 12th - 40 mins walking and yoga
    June 13th - 30 mins mixed walking
    *June 14th - 59 mins of walking and stretches - Challenge day
    June 15th - 17 mins walking
    June 16th - 18 mins walking
    June 17th - None
    June 18th - 20 mins walking
    June 19th - 34 mins walking
    June 20th - 20 mins walking
    June 21st - 65 mins walking, bowling, and random camping activities
    *June 22nd - 125 mins of swimming and walking - Challenge day, been a long time since I swam and I ignored getting tired and stayed almost till closing.
    June 23rd - 60 mins of walking. Did some am and then some pm. Calling that a partly challenge day as I did 2 lots of it!
    *June 24th - 30 mins - Challenged (trying to undo some of the weekend and pre-Tom damage I am doing, I am soooo hungry this week!
    June 25th - 42 mins including a long and very chat filled walk with my 5 year old!
    *June 26th - 48 minutes dvd aerobic workout and yoga workout - Challenged!
    June 27th - 20 mins stroll. Sore from yesterday so took it a little easier.
    June 28th - 35 mins of walking
    June 29th - 67 minutes
    June 30th - 49 mins

    I put stars in front of the challenge days. Mid month fell down due to those pesky strains and injuries that seem to randomly occur to me. I do not want a prize or anything though Pat :) I just like posting to keep accountable. I like that it pushes me to do something each day even if its just 10 mins. July I am going to increase my challenge days.