Regaining and Restarting 3.5 years after RNY

MindyMac51 Posts: 38 Member
Hi all! I joined MFP last week and I'm very glad to be here. I'm just getting back into a healthy routine and I look forward to using MFP to share my story and my progress, and to learn from others. I posted a similar account of my story in the WLS forum, but think it's more appropriate for this Regain group.

My Story: I'm 62 years old, married 34 years, with 2 grown sons, and a career in education. I had RNY surgery Nov. 2010 at Pennsylvania Hospital, Philadelphia. I was 59 yrs old, and weighed 260 at surgery after a 20-lb. loss in pre-surgery prep from my highest weight of 280. My lowest post-surgery weight was 182 in September 2011: 98 lb. from HW; 78 lb. from SW. I still had more to lose, but I never got there. Instead I got complacent. And ignored the signs I was regaining. Gained back 38 lb. between Nov. 2012 and June 2014.

During my period of regaining, I stopped paying attention after reaching a plateau and feeling pretty good. I thought I'd maintain easily just because I was eating smaller portions. I exercised less and ate more freely without attention to the protein-carb-fat proportions. I began to consume larger amounts of those dreaded carbs -- saltines, Ritz, breads, chips, Cheez-its, all those foods that have always been a problem for me, though only post-surgery did they become "slider foods." I also began to drink with my meals -- not only water and diet drinks, but white wine. I often drank wine, not only with dinner, but before dinner, too. Some days I'd drink several glasses. During this extended period I also stopped weighing myself regularly and rarely exercised. I was evading the signs, I was in big time denial! So it's no surprise that from Nov. 2012 to June 2014, I gained back 38 lbs., from 182 up to 220. Not all the way to 280, thank goodness, but enough to WAKE ME UP. And commit myself to change and get back on track!

I've discovered from reading these boards that what happened to me is not such an unusual pattern. Why didn't I know that so I could guard against it? In part because I was isolated from others; even more because I was in denial. It took a shopping trip to buy new pants to discover how seriously the regain had gotten out of hand.

Since that shopping trip the last week of June, I've been reading the boards at MFP and ObesityHelp. On June 26 I started the "5 day pouch test," which I like to call the "5 day Restarter Plan" because it really helped me to overcome the carb cravings, to feel the tightness of my pouch, and to get motivated and back on track with: hi protein-low carb eating; drinking lots of water, except for 30 minutes before and after eating; no wine; and 45-60 minutes of walking every day. Down 5 lbs. in one week. I feel so much better already. I know I've got a long way to go to prove my commitment, but I'm really hopeful I've found the tools I need: these boards, the people on them, and my pouch. Lol.

I'm inspired and motivated and grateful to all who have shared their stories on these boards. I'm back on track and I'm going to stick to this! I want to reach my goal of 170 by November 2015, which will be my 5-year surgiversary. I know now the importance of a high protein diet, recording food and exercise EVERY DAY on MFP, and gaining a sense of support, community, and inspiration from others who are on the same path. Please free to friend me, and please be open to my friend requests. Thanks for reading my post!

280 HW 6/1/2010
260 SW 11/1/2010
182 LW 10/1/2011
Plateau 2011-12
REGAIN 38 lb. 2012-14
220 6/25/2014
RESTART, join MFP, 5 Day Pouch Test 6/26-30, 2014
215 7/4/2014
Goal: 170


  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member

    Welcome to MFP. Thanks for sharing your story. I have had a similar situation and regained 50lbs. I have recommitted by self and am down 30lbs months in a little over a month, so it is still possible to lose even after our "detour" from the plan. Good luck on your journey.

    We are here to help in any way possible.
  • jessie524
    jessie524 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi and me too! Surgery in 2007; babies (twins) in 2009. Was down to 185 post babies and crept and crept and now i have 45 to lose to get back there and then beyond i hope. So happy to have found others in a similar situation. Let's cheer each other one. Did the 5 day pouch test help? I'm doing Jenny Craig because my portions were out of control...again. Lost 5 pounds in a week or so. Onward i go!
  • MindyMac51
    MindyMac51 Posts: 38 Member
    Great start, Jessie. For me the major problems were bad-carb grazing, white wine, little exercise, so the FDPT or 5-day Restart plan was just what I needed: it cut the carb cravings. It also helped me to rediscover the pouch and regain motivation. I'm Exercising every day (50-70 minutes of walking), I've eliminated wine and diet soda, and cut out all bad carbs - with no cravings, no desire to cheat. I'm feeling so much better. Weight is down 8.2 lb. since June 26. I'm looking to lose another 5-12 by Labor Day. Then I'll be able to say I had a greaaaaat summer!! We can do it!