Good bye shoulder pain!! Do u experience it with the sleeve

I was recently revised from a lap band 2004 to the sleeve on 6/25/14
I was lost in thought today on the experience I'm having verses when I was banned and the first and most important thing that pops up is NO MORE SHOULDER PAIN!
From day one on the band I experienced extreme shoulder pain, which the doctor explained that it was due to the gasses during surgery but after four years the pain was still there. I would get it during the day and it would last along time. The pain was so extreme I asked my husband to take me to the hospital if it didn't go away soon ( it would last up to 30 min )
It's been a week and I just realized I haven't had shoulder pain (: I'm extremely happy

Does anyone experience a "permanent" pain of some sort with their sleeve..


  • asia1967
    asia1967 Posts: 707 Member
    Hi : Was sleeved in Feb,2011. No permanent pain for me, of any kind.

    Glad to hear that you are doing better with the sleeve. Good luck.