Stage 3 - Strength and Power

jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
I have just started stage 3. Anyone else?

I am finding these very long workouts and exhausting! I had crazy DOMS after workout B. Need moral support, LOL


  • Anniebotnen
    Anniebotnen Posts: 332 Member
    I haven't gotten there yet as I'm taking a break after BT to concentrate on increasing lower body strength before continuing Supercharged. I'd be very interested to hear about your progress with Strength and Power though, as I'm hoping to get there myself at some point! How long do these workouts take?
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    So far 70 mins... and that's without the 'free' 5 mins at the end!
  • Anniebotnen
    Anniebotnen Posts: 332 Member
    Wow - I might have to skip the free 5 when I get to that stage! Does the 70 minutes include the RAMP?
  • jo_marnes
    jo_marnes Posts: 1,601 Member
    I don't bother with RAMP.... I run for 10 mins and stretch then start xx
  • Anniebotnen
    Anniebotnen Posts: 332 Member
    Ok - so I assume the workout itself, not including the warmup, takes 70 minutes? That is long! How is the DOMS after the first week?