Lexapro...Weight Loss Stalls?..Weight Gain?

Allup2Me78 Posts: 589 Member
Has anyone experienced this? I am starting to think that Lexapro has a lot to do with my stalls and slow progress on my weight loss journey. I have been on it since Nov 2012 for anxiety, depression & panic attacks. My dosage was upped in Jan 2013 and it seems since then that I am not able to lose like before. It really helps a lot with my panic attacks so I would really like to stay on it but I need to lose weight for other health related reasons. I have been on others in the past and they just stop working over time so that is why my Dr. was trying to give Lexapro a try for me.


  • cecarry1
    cecarry1 Posts: 18
    I'm more of a dopamine/norepinephrine type of girl, but my sister was on Lexapro for several years. She's weaned off of it slowly now that her eating disorder and anxiety are more under control. She doesn't weigh herself frequently due to the eating disorder issues, but she is definitely slimmer in the thigh/hip area. My mom is a doctor, and she says lots of her patients on Lexapro gain 5-10 pounds--sometimes more--while on it.

    Similarly, I was on Abilify for several years, and since being on it I've gained about 50 pounds (not all due to Abilify, but it certainly didn't help).

    So, yes, antidepressants can stymie weight loss.
  • BlackPup
    BlackPup Posts: 242 Member
    Are you hungrier since you began taking it. I got really hungry on lexapro so my doc prescribed metformin as an appetite suppressant. It's working well. Otherwise check your thyroid.
  • Hey alluptome,

    I was on 20mg of Cipralex (Lexapro's name in Canada) for 2 years. During that time, I ate the same amount of food and exercised more, mainly because I had the energy. I gained close to 40lbs.

    I just got off the meds a few weeks ago, after tapering off them for close to 4 months. Immediately, I noticed a change. My arms are getting smaller, and my legs and getting back in shape. That tummy is not going anywhere though!

    I found that Cipralex made it much harder to tell when I was full, and also made me crave carbs a whole lot more. Also, since it helped me feel better, I was much more inclined to eat yummy foods that I had no pleasure for before going on the medication. Even still, I worked to keep my calorie intake in check, and still I gained weight. I even had mono for 8+ weeks and gained 4 lbs during it!!!!!