Coffee for Breakfast?

CatchMeJess Posts: 14 Member
I've heard a lot of morning gym rats say they only drink coffee before a workout.

Has anyone else tried this?

Is it done for weight-loss purposes (i.e. fasted workouts burning stored calories in lieu of consumed calories) or is it done because eating makes you feel heavy and sluggish?

I'm considering trying it and would love feedback.

Peace & Coffee-


  • VCanadapt
    VCanadapt Posts: 142 Member
    I don't know about drinking coffee before a workout... never tried it.

    I have tried drinking a cup of coffee first thing, wait 1-2 hours and then eat. I usually end up eating less.

    I'm curious to know if anyone else has tried it
  • charcoalgriller
    charcoalgriller Posts: 17 Member
    I drink coffee in the morning but after my workout. My coffee-workout relationship is only there because they happen at the same time of day.

    I drink coffee in the morning because, dear God, how do you people do mornings WITHOUT coffee?

    I workout in the mornings because by the time I get off work I'm wiped out and the exercise just doesn't happen.

    My routine:
    1. alarm goes off.
    2. glare at alarm.
    3. throw on workout clothes
    4. brush teeth
    5. leash on dog, walk out door
    6. --exercise--
    7. return, feed dog, feed cat, empty dehumidifiers
    8. shower
    9. dress
    10. make world's best cappuccino, or closest approximation
    11. RELAX with my cup

    I like to enjoy my coffee and I don't have the time until after all these other things are done.

    I have tried coffee before a workout and the acid bothers my empty stomach too much. When I was running I would have a yogurt first to settle my stomach.