Surgery Choice

arh0317 Posts: 33 Member
Hello! I wanted to ask how those of you that have had the sleeve surgery chose that as opposed to bypass? Do you see as immediate good results? Thanks :-)


  • garber6th
    garber6th Posts: 1,894 Member
    I chose sleeve because I felt that it was less invasive as far as rearranging my anatomy, because there aren't the same malabsorption issues as there are with gastric bypass, and also there aren't issues with dumping.My surgeon also suggested it for me because of how high my weight was pre-surgery, sometimes the sleeve is just easier to do. I have had amazing success with the sleeve. I lost 70 lbs prior to my surgery in October, and 114 lbs in the 9 months since. I am still losing 2-3 lbs a week. I feel amazing. I have been taken off my blood pressure meds, my chronic back pain that I had to take muscle relaxers for has gone away, I don't have headaches and aches and pains like I used to, and I have SO much more energy. No foods have bothered me, except one time when I ate some meat that was a little fatty. Other than that it's been all good. Does your surgeon have a recommendation for you?
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    I have a history of anemia and vit d deficiency. I know the RNY has a better wt loss track record but I have seen anemia get really out of control with RNY. As much as I wanted RNY my physician and I didn't think it was a good fit. My surgeon wanted me to have RNY but he has been thrilled at my results. And honestly, you can gain it all back on both. You either stick to the plan or you choose not to. Surgery is just 10% of the process. 90% is all your own hard work
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    I was concerned about the possible implications of the malabsorption process of the bypass. I also did not want to dump (but I do dump with the sleeve, so there's that.).

    I was not a super-heavyweight. I was confident that I could lose 100 pounds with the sleeve. If I had been heavier and needed to lose 150+, I would have considered the bypass.
  • arh0317
    arh0317 Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks everyone! I'm pretty sure I'm going with sleeve. It's good to hear this information. My goal is to lose about 120-140 lbs. I too am concerned about the dumping, anemia, and rerouting. It sounds like the sleeve is a pretty successful tool. I'm just hoping I can put my mind to it!
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I didn't want to lose my pyloric valve. I wanted to absorb all my nutrients. I wanted a simple surgery. I didn't care that rate of loss tends to be a bit slower with VSG.

    Even though at my highest bmi of 60 I am not recommended to have VSG because it doesn't provide the maximum amount of weight loss...I was/am ok with not losing ALL of my excess weight though the results are actually quite close to RNY.
  • bikrchk
    bikrchk Posts: 516 Member
    Like the others, the potential malabsorption issues along with the fact that I had 100 pounds (probably a bit less) to lose and did not have full blown diabetes drove me towards what I think of as the "simpler" procedure. Wasn't excited about having my guts re-routed.
  • juliebccs
    juliebccs Posts: 233
    In Australia, VSG and band are more common than bypass. They do bypass but only over certain weights. 80% are VSG now though. I chose to go os for mine in India in the end and they also prefer VSG.
    I noticed on a weight loss show recently that in the US they seem to do a lot of bypass procedures. I have yet to hear them talk about sleeve.
  • authorwriter
    authorwriter Posts: 323 Member
    I had a lot of misgivings regarding malabsorption. I'm 55 and imagined heading into my senior years with my bones cracking and my iron deficient and my skin aging because I wasn't absorbing the nutrients I needed. Just seemed simpler to not reroute my gut.

    That said, my insurance did not cover the sleeve, only the bypass. I was fully prepared to go with the surgeon's recommendation of the sleeve and pay for it out of pocket if I had to. My primary got on the phone to insurance and squawked. He pow-wowed with the surgeon and she got on the phone with insurance and had a very long conversation with the medical director, explaining why the sleeve was the best choice for me.

    They approved.

    Talk with your surgeon. Ask their preference, which would they choose for you if money or insurance weren't part of the discussion. Ask them to explain why. This is what they do for a living and there's a reason they go for what they go for.

    All my best to you as you make your decision and into the future.
  • dsjsmom23
    dsjsmom23 Posts: 234 Member
    I never even considered RNY. I chose the sleeve because a very close friend of mine had it in Apr 2012. She has lost 175 pounds and is now at her goal.
    I had my surgery 2 weeks 2 days ago, and am down 20 pounds. I have 70 to go.
  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    I chose the sleeve because I didn't like the idea of being disconnected and rerouted, the malabsorbtion issues or the lifetime restrictions on certain over the counter meds and certain abdominal/stomache procedures and tests. I started this with 226 to lose, am down 160 and still working to get the last 66 off. I am very happy with my choice.