Working up to shoulder dislocations?

NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
Hello all!

I've been trying to start and I am really struggling with the squats. I can get down and up just fine, but my arms are not happy at that angle. I end up with my wrists extremely bent. I'm not holding the bar up with my hands, just sort of pressing it into my back so it's not an issue of it being heavy, but just having them at that angle is uncomfortable.

I tried to do shoulder dislocations with a broomstick (holding as wide as I could) and I could go backwards over my head, but when I tried to go forwards, my arms just... wouldn't move.

So, is there an exercise/stretch that will help me get to a point where I can actually do shoulder dislocations?

And since this is keeping me from doing low bar squats, what do you recommend I do instead for the meantime?


  • Fittreelol
    Fittreelol Posts: 2,535 Member
    In the mean time try high bar squats, or if possible a wider grip on the bar.

    You can try resistance band dislocations. This allows you to pull out a bit during the sticking point while still working on mobility. Another thing to try is Defranco's simple 6. which includes band dislocations.

    ETA: Christian's Fitness Factory has some pretty cheap but quality bands, and they generally offer free shipping. Make sure you get the 41" ones if you do choose to get one/some.
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Here's a really good video with shoulder warm ups you can do with a PVC pipe (or broomstick).

    With the shoulder dislocates, have you tried them with a super wide grip i.e. wider than a Snatch Grip? You want to start wide and get the mobility built up in your shoulders where you can get that grip more and more narrow.
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    Thanks so much, folks! I'll definitely give your recommendations a try.