How many carbs?

smchughs90 Posts: 12 Member
I just purchased Chris Powell's new book and I'm about half way into it so far. I understand the charts he shows on serving sizes and I read about the calories to shoot for but he never really gives a range of carbs to eat on your low or high carb days.. how many on each day do you normally consume? Thanks!


  • Lilylee757
    Lilylee757 Posts: 192 Member
    I don't really know. On my carbs day I have a carb at each meal. For example for breakfast I am having egg whites with peppers and onions and a Portuguese muffin. The muffin is my carb. I probably should eat half of it to stay under the 100 calorie rule however, it is the first meal of the day and second it honestly is just too good to only eat half :)! From there I will have an apple at snack, half a banana at lunch etc. I think the idea is everything in moderation. In the book he states 1 protein, 1 carb, 1veg. So I would just use your best judgment. I did this plan a couple of years ago with great success and then you know life gets in the way however, I came back to it because it works and I did not feel deprived.