most unique/interesting/fun wod you've ever done?

MUALaurenClark Posts: 296 Member
What is the most unique/interesting/fun wod you've ever done?


  • Petrusilly
    Petrusilly Posts: 37 Member
    It was 10 exercises... partner workout... 5 isometric and 5 metcon... the "timer" for the isometric was the # of reps that the other partner had to do, then switch. I don't remember all the pairs of exercises... but it went something like this:

    Partner 1-- Plank hold, Partner 2--20 Cleans (switch)
    Partner 1--handstand hold, Partner 2--20 box jumps (switch)
    ... etc.

    It was super challenging and also really fun!!!
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    OK, yesterdays.

    Wasn't really a WOD...

    It was the 1st anniversary of CrossFit A14 so we hired out the local athletics track, got other local boxes involved and did a Burpee Mile. Burpee broad jumps for your choice of 400m, 800m, 1200m or 1600m. I did the 400m and my shoulders and abs are destroyed today. Hats off to those who went the whole mile.

    All proceeds went to charity :happy:
  • atynk
    atynk Posts: 400 Member
    we do off site wods here and there, and every year we do a swim wod. we go to a local pool, and this year was 15 burpees, 75 meter swim, then 20 kettlebell thrusters, for 5 rounds. I was a competitive swimmer so this wod I actually do very well in, and its funny to see how the strongest people can have trouble swimming. after we turn on the waterslide and have some fun!
  • FWMagicMike
    FWMagicMike Posts: 113 Member
    I created a WOD for endurance for a Spartan race:

    here it is:

    5 rounds for time

    3 rope climbs
    5 strict or kipping pullups
    7 big boy tire flips
    10 alternating sledge swings from on the tire
    200 meter run with a wall jump at the end of the run


    I call it M3 (M to the third power)
  • MUALaurenClark
    MUALaurenClark Posts: 296 Member
    inkratlet - i've been wanting to do a burpee mile for my upcoming birthday :) how long did the 400 take?
  • Inkratlet
    Inkratlet Posts: 613 Member
    inkratlet - i've been wanting to do a burpee mile for my upcoming birthday :) how long did the 400 take?

    It took *me* somewhere between 45 minutes and an hour. I'm an exceptionally slow burpee-er though, which is probably because I'm overweight. TBH I wasn't really going for time, I was going for completion. There are people who finished the 1600m in under two hours so 400m should be do-able in 30 mins if you are decent at burpees.

    I had a support crew (my fellow 7am-ers) who followed me around the track, they were absolute stars.
    MDLNH Posts: 587 Member
    I have 2 WODs that I"ll share -

    Almost 2 years ago, when my dog, who was a frequent "WOD Dog" died, the next week a WOD was programed in his honor and named after him. It was tough, both physically and emotionally to complete.

    Just last week, a couple who met at our box got engaged. The guy planned it with everyone, programmed it and named the WOD "Ringer, Ringer". We all started the WOD together and when she ran out for the 400m run, we got it all set-up (balloons, music, etc). When she ran back into the gym, she saw the words: "Marry Me?" on the wall (*We wore t-shirts and did hand-stand holds to spell it out.), she turned around and he was behind her on bended knee. She of course said: Yes.
  • bostonwolf
    bostonwolf Posts: 3,038 Member
    One of my favorites was Fight Gone Bad. I just like the idea of it, even though in practice it is a big pile of suck.

    that is one of the few WODs where I end up on the floor after finishing.