Breastfeeding 1yo

I've recently decided its time to stop putting off the fact that I have a lot of weight to lose, I currently weigh around 128kg and I for once feel very motivated to get rid of it all, I am still currently breastfeeding my 1 year old son and see no end in sight any time soon, so how many calories would I put in for nursing him? I still feed him on demand, he nurses all night long as we bed share, he eats three meals a day too but is still very attached to the boob. Any ideas on exercising and including a clingy little boy? :) Thanks! :)


  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    Maybe 200? I think around that point I just stopped counting the breastfeeding calories but I go for slower loss, so I was still eating a decent amount. I didn't drop to 1200 calories or anything.
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    I would say about 200-300, depending on how many feeds and how long the feeds are. At 12 months my LO was still nursing 5x a day, but I had stopped logging my food by then. I just looked back at my food diary and I was allotting 300 cals for breast feeding at 10 months, and I think she was nursing the same amount then as she was at a year.

    As for exercising and including your son, the majority of my calorie burns came from walking with LO in her stroller almost daily (about 45-60 mins). If he's not keen on the stroller you could always wear him if you have a good carrier. I also went to the gym 2-3x a week when my husband got home from work because I needed to get out by myself (I'm a stay at home mom in a city where I know very few people), and that's where I did most of my strength training.

    ETA: Like PP said, I never dropped my calories super low. I always ate at least 1800 cals (including the 300 BFing cals), plus some/all of my exercise calories (some days, especially during hot weather, I'd burn quite a bit and just couldn't eat them all back without stuffing myself/loading up on junk). I probably averaged at least 2000-2200 calories most days.