Hi everyone:
Well let me start off I was sleeved on 2/29/1012. I did well for about the first 10 months. Until I got open to all foods again. I lost over 80 lbs. I lost my daughters father and everything came back to food and comfort. I gained about 30 lbs back. I figured thew the last year I had stretched my sleeve out. Because I could eat a lot of my old foods and a good amount. I lost tracking and let it all go. About 3 months ago, I was having some issues. Finally went into doctor and they found I had a Hernia by esp. and diaphragm and tummy. They had actually fixed one when I first had surgery. My doctor weight loss doctor, did the surgery and he told me my sleeve was not stretched and still small but he decided to trim it up some more . I am so excited. I feel like I have a second he chance. Right not on liquid diet threw next week. and then 6 weeks on soft, well be glad to get to soft. LOL But excited to be here, and get to know everyone and help keep me accountable


  • rpyle111
    rpyle111 Posts: 1,066 Member
    It's good you have a second chance to start. By now you probably know that the surgery doesn't do anything to change your mental relationship with food. Others here have gone to therapy to help deal with their food relationships.

    I am heading toward surgery soon, and am very interested to see how my post surgery life will be.

    Good luck and I know you will use this second chance to figure out how to succeed for the long term!

  • pawoodhull
    pawoodhull Posts: 1,759 Member
    So sorry for your loss, but so happy for you that you are getting this second chance! I know it's so easy to fall back into old habits when we lose someone we love. Hopefully going forward you will find a different comfort. Good luck.