Getting back on track

JoyD824 Posts: 36 Member
I have been very lazy about tracking my food and checking in - I have been doing the shakes and doing my best to stay on plan but the scale isn't showing this ................ in fact ........ it is going the opposite way!!! I talked to the nutritionist and she is say I have plateaued. UGH!

OK things to get back on track
get back to tracking and recording EVERYTHING
drink the water - got to keep the fluids moving
i have been walking and taking a ballet core exercise class but need to increase the exercise.

What else can you add for getting back on track?



  • Ladybug_Karen
    Ladybug_Karen Posts: 123 Member
    Sounds like you're on the right track! Just keep up the work. If you plateau too long, see if your clinic offers the resting metabolic rate test. Shows what your rmr is and what it should be.
  • JoyD824
    JoyD824 Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks Karen

    I have been so. On plan and tracking everything. Upped the water intake as well.

    Exercise is still a bit of a mental block.......any tips?
  • Ladybug_Karen
    Ladybug_Karen Posts: 123 Member
    Well, I like to walk at work. During breaks and in my lunch. I have three walking buddies. Either they come to me for a walk or I'll come to them. We keep each other moving. Accountabilibuddy. ;)
    You don't have to go to the gym for a work out.
    Weed pulling in my flower beds gets me bending and moving. Doing crunches in your living room while watching a 30min show. Its not a race... Just a slow steady pace. :)
    Sweep sidewalks/driveway.
  • Ladybug_Karen
    Ladybug_Karen Posts: 123 Member
    Well, I like to walk at work. During breaks and in my lunch. I have three walking buddies. Either they come to me for a walk or I'll come to them. We keep each other moving. Accountabilibuddy. ;)
    You don't have to go to the gym for a work out.
    Weed pulling in my flower beds gets me bending and moving. Doing crunches in your living room while watching a 30min show. Its not a race... Just a slow steady pace. :)
    Sweep sidewalks/driveway.
  • JoyD824
    JoyD824 Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks for the feedback.
  • JoyD824
    JoyD824 Posts: 36 Member
    Had my bike fixed today so getting out and riding my bike should be a way to get exercise in as well.

    I have a bunch of fitness dvd's but just can't put one in and use it - but getting outdoors is helping.
    yes slow and steady!
  • Ladybug_Karen
    Ladybug_Karen Posts: 123 Member
    I find I can't make it to the gym without a friend. I do so much better in a solitary environment like walking with my earbuds in listening to a story. It's my alone time. :) I have a row machine at home and I just need to figure out how I can work that into my schedule.

    I love walking outdoors. I'm a sucker for nature so I always look at the beauty in everything. The way the wind moves the trees, the sound of birds chirping... Even the crunch of pebbles under my shoe. It's relaxing.
  • JoyD824
    JoyD824 Posts: 36 Member
    I like that you find the time to take in the beauty of nature. it is a good lesson to take in.

    Like I said previously I did get my bike fixed and did get out to ride it for a 5 mile bike ride and it was such a freeing feeling almost an escape for that time. I did have the tracking feature on for the Mapmyfitness. app and also took in the prompts too. I did this more than anything was to keep me on my goal of 5 miles. At mile 4 I was close to home and really thought about stopping but didn't and kept at it.

    Update on my plateau - i think i broke this as I did have a 2.5 loss - part of the discussion i had with the nutritionist at the office was that there is a four pound difference between home and the office scales and I have two weeks left in my 12 week plan and i set a goal for that time. On my home scale I am 2.5 pounds from that goal and on the office scale I am 6.5 pounds from that goal. The nutritionist told me to pick a scale and use that as my reference and keep the other one as a reference. So with that being said I am picking my home scale as my tracking scale as this is the scale that I was using when I set my goal. I am scared to say I broke the plateau until i have another loss next week - is this crazy?

    Sorry to ramble just basically put my thoughts online. :)