Newbie to the group...

TamiHudson Posts: 83 Member
Hey Ladies -

I will admit...I have not ordered the PiYo yet, but I am big Chalean Johnson fan and recently finished her 90-day Chalean Extreme program (completed it back in April) and now am doing her Lean for Life phase...but am always looking for a new challenge. I've been reading some of the posts and I'd like to know just generally speaking, is everyone enjoying this new program? Does it seem to be working? I realize ya'll just started it about 2 weeks ago. I'm not a gigantic Pilates or Yoga fan, but I've heard it's a really good program. I'd love any feedback ya'll can give so I can make a good decision about whether or not to buy this. Thanks!!


  • prism1968
    prism1968 Posts: 121 Member

    I'm still on the fence about this program, although overall I'd say it was a good purchase for me... I've never done much Pilates or yoga, so I think it is good for me to get to know these moves and improve my flexibility/core strength. With that said, the calorie burn isn't enough (so far) for me to see this being a permanent part of my rotation. I've already told my mom I'm going to mail it to her when I finish this 60 day rotation. I may change my mind by then, but those are my thoughts entering week 3 :)

  • 84wweber
    84wweber Posts: 97 Member
    I've been doing PiYo in the morning with my son's GF, before she goes to work. I don't think of it as my "exercise" for the day... but it's been great cross-training for the running that I do. I can really feel where my body is tight and I'm loving this program as a supplement to the other stuff I do (primarily running and spinning classes).