My poor bum...

jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
I see my midwife this week and I'm going to ask her as well, but in the mean time I need some suggestions for what to do.

I have a wicked hemorrhoid. It feels big, it hurts (sometimes even when I walk), and nothing I'm doing seems to be helping. I've been using a hemorrhoid ointment a few times a day, I'm not constipated, I'm taking Metamucil to help keep my BMs from being hard, I don't spend too much time sitting on the toilet and I don't try to "force" anything out on the rare occasion I do get backed up.

I didn't develop any bum issues with my last pregnancy, oddly enough I developed them after. The ointment/Metamucil combo is what my family doctor prescribed with my last round of serious bum issues and my problem (a bad fissure) disappeared. This time, not so much. Any other ideas?


  • Binky_Muffin
    Binky_Muffin Posts: 191 Member
    Ugh, I can't help you with that but I am suffering from the same ailment. If I increase my fibre, that seems to help. Hopwfully the doctor will have some help for you.
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    I've been there before! This may sound bad, but I stopped taking the prenatal vitamin with iron & just took a prenatal vitamin. I would suggest talking to your dr about a different type of hemmeroid ointment. Hang in there!
  • Brenda_Pancakes
    Brenda_Pancakes Posts: 288 Member
    I have a couple suggestions - based on info from my dad (he's had issues with them before), stuff I've read thru as well as some personal experience; I personally recommend adding as many of these together as you can:

    1. Drink PLENTY - again... PLENTY of water. It helps, trimendously.

    2. Take a couple tylenol / acetaminophen. It's all we prego's are allowed to take anyways...

    3. Watch the red meat (especially steak) intake and coffee - I love both; but they tend to jack me up if I over do it on either.

    4. Walk. Walk as much as you can. Bring a bottle of water, and take a 30 minute walk in the morning, and another one at night. This tends to be my go-to remedy. Helps things "get movin'"; I have a 8-5 desk job; go figure.

    5. Warm baths at night with epsom salt. It feels really good to go out for a 30 minute walk, drink your water, then come home and take a nice warm bath for about 15-20 min.

    6. Clean after "those bathroom visits" with cottonelle or another form of moist towelettes. Witchazel is suppose to help as well (soak a cotton ball with the stuff, apply it on the problem area). Theres always the different ointments and things you can get over the counter. I've found that they seem to somewhat help - but the combination of the other suggestions seem to keep the issue at bay and help more than just some ointment.

    Hopefully this helps :)
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Thanks for the tips! I posted on another mom group as well and have picked up a few items that were recommended. I had a shallow bath with epsom salts last night (tedious, I'm not a bath person!), and this morning I was able to pick up some Earth Mama Angel Baby products to try - a bottom balm (for moms) and a pre/post natal spray that are both supposed to help.

    I'm pretty good about my water intake, I'm off coffee at the moment (random 3rd trimester food aversion!), try not to eat too much red meat, and still trying to get in at least a 30-45 minute waddle each day.

    I see my midwife tomorrow, and I'm guessing she'll most likely tell me to keep up what I'm doing and to hang in there! 8 1/2 weeks to go...!
  • ColeCake292012
    ColeCake292012 Posts: 247 Member
    I've had an issue with that for....18 months now. Which is how old my kid is. It SUCKS. And now I am pregnant with another one and I just keep thinking "am I going to DREAD bathroom time forever?!"