
Hey everyone!

I'm completely new to including anyone in my weight loss goals. I have tried dieting and exercising before, but I was never accountable for anything or to anyone. I think this is going to be a really good thing to keep me focused and responsible for my day to day. I just moved to Arizona and I feel like I'm starting my life all over again. I'm 24, newly engaged, and I just graduated nursing school. I figure this is the best time to get my but in gear and become the woman on the outside that I feel like on the inside.

I'm not trying any specific diets or work out programs. I am just watching what I eat and working out. I have several different programs that I have purchased over the years that I plan to incorporate: Yoga, Pilates, Zumba, and P90X. I've done them all before and quit so I am hoping that by using this app I can keep myself focused and achieve my goal!

I am more than happy to help support anyone on their journey!! Good luck to all of you!

Remember - No matter how slow your progress is - You are still lapping those who sit on the couch!


  • Hi DaneRecord!

    I feel like I am in the same spectrum as you, I'm 21 pursuing my degree in communications- just recently transfered to a different university, which means a completely new town/environment- recently single ( focusing on me and what I want in life) and I realized that I needed a change. A healthy change of course :)

    I'm used to going to the gym and just "winging it" but now I'm really trying to stick to a schedule and routine as well as make healthier nutrition options. I will warn you- this is my 5th attempt with this app but I feel that this time around is the charm because this is the first time I've felt that I'm dedicated to the change- New place, new town, new me!

    Can't wait to see who else joins in on the conversation!
  • becktacular90
    becktacular90 Posts: 55 Member
    Hello :) I'm 24 and I'm a teacher. Been teaching for two years now and have got a permanent job in a different area so really want to start becoming a better, healthier person.

    Have so much to lose it's ridiculous, over 300lbs I had to lose from the start but hey, even the little step I've made just now is helpful.

    With counselling and GP support I'm doing 12 week VLCD fasting cycles which I know a lot of people frown upon. But it's part of the support offered so hey :)

    Look forward to making some new friends!
  • It is definitely different when you commit to a lifestyle change. 5th time is the charm!! That's the saying right? =) Good for you to keep going at it! Where I have struggled in the past is expecting immediate changes. Today is day 4 for me and the only changes I have noticed is that my legs are sore but I have more energy! I am still motivated and I choose to enjoy the soreness and continue to move forward!

    Eating University food really hurt me when I was in school. I wish I could go back and see how much calories and just bad goop I was putting in my body! I still have the naughty cravings (like today's pepperoni sandwich) but I'll kick up the cardio a little today to make up for it.

    It is helping me that I have realized its not about giving up the tasty things and sacrificing time to work out, but its more a compromise. This outlook is keeping me positive during this journey!
  • Becktacular,

    I have no idea what the VLCD is, but you go girl! Stick with it! Its great that you are finding other support! Good luck and keep me posted on your progress!!
  • jess1jane
    jess1jane Posts: 176 Member
    Hey guys:) I'm Jessi, about to go off to my junior year of college. Trying not to gain college weight this time around. I've gained the freshmen fifteen every year and I want to nip that bad habit in the bud. My biggest motivation right now is that I'm recently single after a long-term relationship and I want to hit the dating ground running when I go back to school. Sooooo... Gotta look good for that ha
    I love all the positivity around here and the support which I need and love to give also ha
  • Itsjustme86
    Itsjustme86 Posts: 116 Member

    I am 27 and recently married and I am a trailing spouse living in Asia! Originally wanted to lose weight for the wedding but that failed! So back trying again before we start to plan for a family!

    I want to lose about 80lbs currently workout with a trainer twice a week and am doing c25k and walking lots!

    Looking forward to making new friends!
  • Hi all! I'm Becca, 24 (the dreaded quarter century is coming up on Sunday!), and I'm also trying to lose the freshman 15 from each of my 4 years at uni! They never tell you it isn't just freshman year that you put it on, it's every year!

    My diet can look pretty extreme as I am following a chemical diet but I feel fantastic and it works like a dream so I'm not going to stop it now!

    Hope to get to know you all!

    B x
  • deliz618
    deliz618 Posts: 9 Member
    Welcome to MFP!

    I love reading everyone's stories. I'm 23, just recently signed my first apartment lease with my boyfriend. My life is coming together, now I wanna get my weight under control too. Anyone can add me, I'm 5'10 and looking to lose 48 pounds asap.
  • jess1jane
    jess1jane Posts: 176 Member
    Sooo, I think I added everyone in this discussion, but if I missed you then feel free to add me. I am on here everyday and I have met some really great, supportive people on here and I hope everyone else has been having a good experience on here too. If not, then talk to me more hahaha I can't promise I'll be funny or entertaining but I'm here for encouragement and motivation because I know I need it too. The app and the people on it are the reason I have been so successful (at least during the summer where I feel most self-conscious about how I look) and my self-esteem has improved because of it.
  • Its so great to see all the new posts and support! I think its wonderful that everyone is trying new things! I was really discouraged yesterday and didn't even take the dog for a walk! The 110 degree heat might have had a little to do with that. I then felt super guilty and was tiptoeing the line of too much intake. I made it though! Today I walked a little further and a little faster with my puppy!

    I really enjoy doing P90X even though I can't keep up. I feel awful going at my own pace and pausing the DVD every other exercise. I wish there was a DVD that let you see what someone in our situation - just starting out - looks like. And then allow us to progress with them. I would be way more encouraged knowing I'm not the only one struggling a little. Maybe I'll make a YouTube channel. HA!

    Keep up the wonderful work beautiful ladies!! I look forward to hearing from you!
  • motivated2419
    motivated2419 Posts: 158 Member
    I'm new to this also. I am a CNA and a full time mommy. I work a lot and my eating wasn't the greatest. I know have a gym pass and am learning how to do meal prep for the week. I have 30+ lbs I need to lose and this group looks like a great place to start.