What is your favorite activity to help get the weight off?

jcraig10 Posts: 477 Member
Hey girls! I like to switch up my workouts so that I don't get BORED! What is everyone's favorite form of exercise? I go horseback riding (trails, jumping, dressage) a few days a week, and also like to go hiking. My mom & my dog are my favorite workout partners!


  • Jassiria
    Jassiria Posts: 2 Member
    Horseback riding sounds fun (i've never done it!!).

    I usually work out 4-5 days a week and do cardio and strength training each time...I've been strength training for 7 weeks now as before I only did cardio...I've definitely lost inches more than lbs. Cardio at the gym absolutely bores me to death, so I switch it up by going to the park with my son. Other than that, I can't think of other ways to switch it up.
  • TaniaLeeLynn
    TaniaLeeLynn Posts: 10 Member
    I used to LOVE kickboxing. Couldn't help but feeling like a badass punching and kicking my sparring partner or the heavy bags. It was a massive confidence booster to feel strong, tough and know I was whipping my body into shape. Plus it was an awesome stress reliever.

    After the car accident, my whole body still feels very stiff. I have nowhere near the strength or flexibilty that I used to have. So I'm thinking of trying yoga/pilates which has been hugely recommended by my fitness minded friends and my doctors. Assuming my insane work schedule pans out, my first class will be monday. Wish me luck! Really hope I don't feel like a total newbie idiot! :wink:
  • unk7187
    unk7187 Posts: 3
    I love playing volleyball. I used to play 4-5 times a week, but now it's down to only once a week. Not as many places to play at anymore & I only like playing when it's competitive. Occasionally I'll play in a tournament- which I absolutely love. Great workout all around, always sore the next day!

    I've taken up running (jogging rather) & been trying to tone up for the wedding. I've been keeping track of my monthly progress & made checklists for the exercises I wanted to do per day. I'll admit I've been slacking & I'm here hoping to get back on track!

    Side note: Always wanted to give kickboxing a try!
  • jcraig10
    jcraig10 Posts: 477 Member
    I did my very first pilates class last month as part of a camp that I attended...I loved it! I could definitely see that it would improve on flexibility if I kept up with it. Most of the people in my group had never done it before and the instructor was very helpful with us newbies...I'm sure you'll have a great time with it!
  • acmorris77
    acmorris77 Posts: 80 Member
    Hi girls - Not sure how many of you live on the ocean or by a lake but Stand up paddle boarding is an awesome workout! I'm lucky to live at the beach and there are tons of classes for it. It's difficult to balance at first, but you use muscles you didn't know you had and then just fall into the water after!
  • annael25
    annael25 Posts: 60 Member
    I love Zumba! Trust me, it's a workout. I burn soooo many calories.

    I want to start going to the gym. I'm just a little nervous to go alone!

    Swimming is also great exercise and low impact. :)
  • mari213
    mari213 Posts: 101 Member
    I love shadow boxing! I had back surgery in May, so my activities are restricted at the moment. Right now I'm doing a lot of walking after work. I feel good! I do miss strength training and can't wait to lift again. This is the way you lose those inches! Tara, sorry to hear about your accident.
  • TaniaLeeLynn
    TaniaLeeLynn Posts: 10 Member
    Well, you all inspired me, set up a personal trainer today for a few sessions. He's medically trained also so he can balance the medical stuff with my vain "I want to be a super hot bride" wishes. Should be interesting!
  • nadanaga1
    nadanaga1 Posts: 1
    I am OBSESSED with the TRX Bootcamp at my gym. It's always different, you pay an additional fee to sign up so you have a small cohort of like 12 people, and it's always really motivating. I don't have a personal trainer but with the small class it feels like I do PLUS you get the camaraderie. I always work out much harder with a group than I would on my own!
  • amy84lynn
    amy84lynn Posts: 12 Member
    I like hiking and biking. I do Blogilates at home. Has anyone done those videos? It's hard! But it definitely works for me. I've tried running for years but I just can not get into it. I've always wanted to take a kick boxing class! Paddle boarding sounds like a lot of fun too... but I'm not near the beach. I really enjoyed hot yoga but it's been awhile since I've done that. Zumba scares me. Maybe I'll give it a try someday!
  • This is my first week back at the gym. Right now, it's the treadmill for me until I get back into the swing of things! I feel great thus far...