New here!

WWH_AJ Posts: 419 Member
Hi everyone! My name is Amber, I'm 25, and I just started p90x3. I have done p90x and t25 in the past, but I never finished either program. P90x was too long for me when I had a 7-5:30, 5 days a week job as a vet tech and it was also hard trying to find the time during college when I really needed to be studying A&P! I really enjoyed t25, but I still actually missed Tony's intensity, so when I saw he was coming out with this, I knew I'd get my hands on it eventually. I just started this week and I'm doing the lean version. I'm very excited to see my progress and vow to actually finish a program this time! Feel free to add me!


  • kzeug
    kzeug Posts: 21 Member
    Hey there! I've completed the first two weeks, however, my third week my family was on vacation, so I'm going to do two weeks of block 1 and continue on from there. In my first two weeks I lost 3 lbs and at LEAST an .5 off arms, thighs, hips and waist. Have fun!