Okay. I think it's time...

Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
... to up my calorie intake??

I need advice. I'm kind of lost / confused. Here are a few stats to begin with:
Age: 32
Height: 5'5
Weight: 150lbs
Daily cal intake set right now: 1500

If I calculate my TDEE with IIFYM or Scooby (i put exercice 3x a week) I am around 1900-2000 cals for maintenance. How can that be possible. I am logging and weighing everything and I am STUCK at 150 now for the last 5 weeks.

I'm thinking to up my cal intake to 1700. I am feeling a little tired lately, with all the lifts and I don't even want to go for runs anymore, I just want to sleep!! But I still want to lose that damn last 10 pounds. Do you think it'll work??

It's like my weight fluctuates like crazy. If I have a beer or 3 on the weekends I will gain like 2 pounds. Even if it puts me at maintenance calories for the weekend. Is it because my body is not used to the maintenance calories?

Any help/info/encouragements are welcome with open arms haha! If you need more info too I will gladly provide more.
Thanks :)


  • JuliRamone
    JuliRamone Posts: 365 Member
    Sounds like you should just try it. If your maintenance level is around 1900-2000, just try 1700 for 2-3 weeks and see, what happens :)
    You're still at least 200 calories below TDEE, so maybe the loss will slow down a little, but you will definetly rock that!
  • little_lavender
    little_lavender Posts: 12 Member
    I have been having pretty much the same problem, with the similar stats. :/ My TDEE is the same and I was eating 1600-1700ish cals for the past 4 weeks (with occasional high days, admittedly) and my weight has hardly budged at all. It fluctuates between 141-143 (I'm 5'4)--which it had been doing before I started getting back into exercising/monitoring eating. Yesterday was a lifting day and I had ~1500 cals (including a glass of wine) and today I'm up to 143! >.< I'm also only looking to lose 5-10 lbs, I was gonna try lowering my cals to 1500-1600 for a bit instead of bumping them, though. It's hard to find that sweet spot! However I'm also only in my 5th week of lifting, so I'm hoping maybe a whoosh will come soon! Hopefully one will come for you too!
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Okay I looked at your diary....most things look like they are weighed...some not so much...ie oatmeal I think..

    And there are days that nothing is logged or partial logs...

    some days you see exercise calories some days 1....sometimes you eat them back sometimes you don't...

    I immediately switched to TDEE when I started lifting as lifting calories are too hard to calculate...and I didn't use a website...those are estimates and I find mostly higher than reality.

    I got this formula from the ETP group so I definately cannot take credit.

    Total calories consumed+(lbs lost x 3500)/#days...it is suggested you use 2-4 weeks...I used 3 weeks and it worked out well for me. It put my TDEE @ 2k so I ate on average 1750 calories a day and lost on average 3/4lb a week...but....

    I log very consistently and accurately...the only time I missed was on vacation (no connection) so my thoughts...

    Calculate your TDEE using that formula and with 10lbs to go TDEE-10% would be good....and log very consistently and accurately...no more skipping days and weigh all solids...all solids...yes I said it twice...even prepackaged as food labels can be off by 20%....

    I say this from a standpoint of where I have never "stalled"...ever. I lost consistently...mind you there were weeks (3 max) where I wouldn't lose any but then for the next month it would be 1-1.5lbs a week...
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    Wow, thanks a lot Stef!!!

    I weigh ALMOSt everything. The oatmeal is weighed. 30g. (I couldnt find an entry with g, only cup size so I took the closest to 30g as I could but now I changed it). The days not logged (typically on weekends) we're at the cottage. I don't bring my scale, my in laws wouldnt think I'm normal.. I try to be reasonnable and we spend whole days outside with the kids usually. But I know its not being accurate.

    I usually never weigh veggies. Or log them. Should I? Ok yes you said "weigh all solids".. twice :laugh:

    I mostly never eat exercice calories back. I don't know how much I burn during weight lifting and if I go for a run its usually at the end of the day and I go to bed not long after. I just put "1" burned calorie for my weight lifting that's why you see 1 somedays.

    I will definitively be more accurate and consistent.

    I used the calculation you provided (and I really like the ETP group I've read a lot of their posts lately).. but it's a little hard as I have days like you said that are empty.. But I get around 1950 if I average the last month. So I'm going to try 1750 (-10%) VERY ACCURATELY for 3-4 weeks.

    Thanks again. I really really appreciate you taking the time to look at my diary!!! Can I check back in here with you in a couple of weeks to see how it went??
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Wow, thanks a lot Stef!!!

    I weigh ALMOSt everything. The oatmeal is weighed. 30g. (I couldnt find an entry with g, only cup size so I took the closest to 30g as I could but now I changed it). The days not logged (typically on weekends) we're at the cottage. I don't bring my scale, my in laws wouldnt think I'm normal.. I try to be reasonnable and we spend whole days outside with the kids usually. But I know its not being accurate.

    I usually never weigh veggies. Or log them. Should I? Ok yes you said "weigh all solids".. twice :laugh:

    I mostly never eat exercice calories back. I don't know how much I burn during weight lifting and if I go for a run its usually at the end of the day and I go to bed not long after. I just put "1" burned calorie for my weight lifting that's why you see 1 somedays.

    I will definitively be more accurate and consistent.

    I used the calculation you provided (and I really like the ETP group I've read a lot of their posts lately).. but it's a little hard as I have days like you said that are empty.. But I get around 1950 if I average the last month. So I'm going to try 1750 (-10%) VERY ACCURATELY for 3-4 weeks.

    Thanks again. I really really appreciate you taking the time to look at my diary!!! Can I check back in here with you in a couple of weeks to see how it went??

    Sure thing...

    as for the entries without grams..make them...

    I do that all the time...it's in this post somewhere how to edit an exisiting entry even if it's just for serving size..I did that last night.


    And I get the whole family thing..mine is the same way and I at times don't use my scale...most of the time tho I stick my middle finger up at them (but they are brothers and sisters so I can do that)
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    So, after a week and a couple of day's worth of extremely accurate tracking, the stall is no stall anymore and I started to lose again.

    Thanks so much Stef!!!!!! I ate around or even slightly more than 1750 most days and I managed to go from 149.5 to 146.6. So, will make adjustments and continue tracking my weight daily and logging everything accurately!!

    Thanks again :flowerforyou:
  • lwoodroff
    lwoodroff Posts: 1,431 Member
    well done! it's always (sadly) the food.. and the accuracy of the tracking.. :)
  • Gen2703
    Gen2703 Posts: 197 Member
    Yeah. It's almost embarassing. lol.