I have a few minutes ...

Sleevarilla Posts: 27 Member
Hi! I've been a lurker around here for a while, finally decided to post.

I have a few minutes before I have to leave for my required pre-op sleep study. Today was a full day. I began the day with my ultrasound, followed that with chest x-rays, then an upper GI study and finally an EKG. I had time for a quick lunch and then headed over to the psychiatrist's office to complete a ream of repetitive questions and have a brief meeting with the doctor. Surprisingly, he said that I passed the mental test. That was the scariest part for me! :) My last appointment was with the nutritionist. It was probably a good idea to schedule the sleep study tonight because I think I'm tired enough to sleep fairly well. My final required pre-op appointment will be with the gastroenterologist on Monday. Then, off to insurance.

I have difficulty with accepting the fact that it has come down to needing surgical intervention. It's a bit surreal, like I'm watching someone hop through these hoops. I keep waiting for something to go wrong - someone along the way to say that things are a no-go. I'm not sure why I feel like a silent observer, taking in all these things that are happening. I wonder, if there isn't anyone along the way to throw in the monkey wrench, how long I'll feel this detached from the process. I will probably giggle in the anesthesiologist's face as he/she is knocking me out because there is no way this is actually going to happen, right?


  • lucyw70
    lucyw70 Posts: 37 Member
    Sounds like you have had quite a few hoops to jump through! Thankfully mine was not as many. I just had to complete blood work, 1 visit with nutritionist, stress test, EKG, EDG, and psychiatric evaluation. My doctor also did not require the 2 week pre-op diet (thankfully). My first appointment was on 4/13/14 and my surgery was on 5/22/14. I am really glad I got it completed this year with my current insurance because I heard the one we are changing to is a lot worse. Hang in there hopefully it will not be too much longer. This is definitely the best decision I have made for myself and am really glad I went through with it! :)
  • Sleevarilla
    Sleevarilla Posts: 27 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you regarding insurance. I have a very nice plan that is disappearing September 1st since it's considered a "Cadillac Plan."

    "If you like your plan you can keep your plan," my left buttock!!!

    If I can't get surgery scheduled by Sept. 1, it won't happen because of this change.
  • lucyw70
    lucyw70 Posts: 37 Member
    Hopefully things will move quickly for you once you submit to insurance. It took mine a little over two weeks to approve it once my doctor submitted all the required information. Good luck!