Dragon Age: Inquisition

untuvainen Posts: 15 Member
Anyone else waiting for this newest addition to the Dragon Age series? Wonder how open world it will be and the quality of writing. As races are back in, I'm hoping dialogue will be more diverse. Companions seem also promising and like that strategic combat is available again.


  • daybehavior
    daybehavior Posts: 1,319 Member
    I'm cautiously optimistic. I absolutely loved DA:O but they really dropped the ball on the second one. I lost interest pretty fast and didn't finish it. It was way too easy and felt like a poorly executed hack and slash rather than a deep, difficult and satisfying RPG experience like the first one.
  • thesupremeforce
    thesupremeforce Posts: 1,206 Member
    Dragon Age 2 had its problems, but I still enjoyed it enough to play through it. Dragon Age might have been better, but I felt it was too long for the sake of being long. Dragon Age 2 at least cut out that issue (while introducing several others).

    I'm expecting to enjoy Dragon Age: Inquisition.
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    I absolutely loved DA:O. I felt completely attached to the characters emotionally, like a movie. I vividly remember...

    ** SPOILER **

    I remember sitting at the keyboard staring at the monitor, trying to decide whether or not to make Alistair king. I genuinely cared about his character and was torn. On the one hand I knew he would make a good king. On the other hand, I knew he really didn't want the job and wouldn't be happy.

    Then I remembered I was playing a video game... immersed!!!

    ** SPOILER **

    I never played DA2. The game was mostly panned by the critics as a rush job and I just couldn't bring myself to play it. I didn't want to tarnish the memory of DA:O.
  • LaValkyrie
    I am excited, especially after seeing some of the gameplay. They pushed the release date to November, but I think that is a good thing as long as they are making sure it is perfect. I hope to see the strategy of DA:O mixed with the character development of DA2.
  • cosmiqrust
    cosmiqrust Posts: 214 Member
    ready to kiss a qunari.
  • HunterKiller
    HunterKiller Posts: 361 Member
    i think this new one looks awesome. Just hope it turns out better than Elder Scrolls Online.
  • ncrugbyprop
    ncrugbyprop Posts: 96 Member
    I'm looking forward to it. I may have to go back and get through DA2 as I read that you may be able to import save files from the previous games for a world consistancy.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    I loved DA:O! The makers of DA2 should be put in jail for fraud. The game wasn't a sequel of DA:O in anything but name. So I'm not getting too excited about Inquisition. Hopefully it will be like DA:O though.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    I played DA:O and loved it. Actually just started a third play through >.>

    DA2 grew on me. Liked some things and disliked others. Really liked the idea of the party members having their own homes and lives... didn't like that they wore the same thing for all the years my Hawke new them. Kinda creepy.

    DA:I looks pretty good so far. And judging from everything I've read, seems they've taken to heart issues most of us had and reversed course on some things.

    As for the party members... almost none of them interest me off the bat. Sadly. Hopefully their personalities win me over in game!
  • _errata_
    _errata_ Posts: 1,653 Member
    I loved Origins. I need me some Morrigan. :love:
  • erayne
    erayne Posts: 47 Member
    I can't wait! I loved DA:O but like some others said, DA2 was hard to play through! I did finish though!
  • borndieu
    borndieu Posts: 6 Member
    DA:Inquisition will be epic, I am really looking forward to it. That and Witcher 3.
  • mylovelylullaby
    I look forward to it, I've yet to play the second one, Origins was amazing (Alistair was my love <3) my S.O. constantly sways me from buying it, but hey, I still on giving it a chance on my next paycheck.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I only played DA2 a couple of months ago, never played DA:O (yes I am usually behind like that). Is it worth going back and playing Origins before the new one?
  • twinkles2121
    twinkles2121 Posts: 137 Member
    I was thinking I would wait for the Angry Joe review before I buy. I *really* want this one to be good, but with the announcement of the multi-player, I can't help but wonder what they're cutting out of the game to make funds available to build this multi-player.

    Who knows, it may be completely awesome, but EA is ruining to many games lately, so i'm suspicious. :brokenheart:
  • Penthesilea514
    Penthesilea514 Posts: 1,189 Member
    I like Angry Joe reviews, but I will still buy it regardless. I loved the first one SOOO much, and the second one was okay (some gameplay changes I liked, storyline WTF, seriously?), but it didn't ruin my desire to play the third game.

    BUUUUT if Angry Joe REALLY hates it, I might wait until the price goes down ;)
  • Penthesilea514
    Penthesilea514 Posts: 1,189 Member
    Sofa- I would really recommend playing the first game. Really, really. lol
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Sofa- I would really recommend playing the first game. Really, really. lol

    Ahahahaha you really think I waited to hear back from you guys after getting triggered by this thread?? :laugh:

    The one thing I'm missing from D2 is the little clue-y icon next to your dialog choices.
  • StarGeezer
    I played both DA's. Obviously preferred Origins, but 2 wasn't as bad as some made it out to be. Looking forward to Inquisition, although TBH I never saw the fascination (or immense controversy) over "relationships" in the games. I never actively sought to bed a companion in either the Dragon Age or Mass Effect games: they took place during times of conflict, why complicate a group dynamic by reducing it to "south of the equator?" Besides...they're games. Well-written games, to be sure...but fictional and, by definition, not real.
  • lilmisfit1987
    lilmisfit1987 Posts: 183 Member
    I am so excited for this game! I absolutely loved DA:O and Dragon Age 2 wasn't bad...but didn't hold a candle to origins. I am really hopeful that this one be as good as the first...I want more Alistair...