Where do you put your rest day?



  • DavidMartinez2
    DavidMartinez2 Posts: 840 Member
    When I am forced to go to be at work super early and don't have time after work is my usual rest day.
  • jstrun
    jstrun Posts: 70 Member
    i run 5 days a week and cross train 2 days of the week (if i take a rest day completely - like i did yesterday its the day after my long run which is monday)
  • 99clmsntgr
    99clmsntgr Posts: 777 Member
    Monday: Cross-Fit
    Tuesday: Easy-ish Run
    Wednesday: Speed Work
    Thursday: Cross-Fit
    Friday: Easy-Run or Rest, depending on how I feel
    Saturday: Long Run
    Sunday: Rest
  • litsy3
    litsy3 Posts: 783 Member
    I don't bother with complete rest days unless it just works out that way but I have a rest day from running (on which I'll do whatever else I feel like, or nothing). My current schedule is:

    Mon: easy
    Tue: quality
    Wed: medium long
    Thur: rest
    Fri: quality
    Sat: easy
    Sun: long

    So it's just before a hard session rather than just after.
  • vgnrnr
    vgnrnr Posts: 11 Member
    My schedule changes, but depending on how close I am to a race:

    Monday: 5-8 easy miles in the AM, closer to a race another 5-8 in the PM
    Tuesday: 6-10 with some sort of speed/interval/hill session in the AM, close to a race another 5-8 easy in the PM
    Wednesday: Active recovery, stretching, foam rolling, in the morning, soak/ice as necessary in the evening
    Thursday: Long run
    Friday: Long run (slightly shorter than thursday)
    Saturday: Easy run 5-8 miles close to a race, maybe even some easy PM miles as well... during a fallback week I'll take a recovery day
    Sunday: AM Speedwork, PM stretch/foamroll/soak
  • tkillion810
    tkillion810 Posts: 591 Member
    When I was training for my first few marathons, it was always Monday, the day after my long run. Now, I am not really concerned about where it fits in with all of the other workouts. I schedule it based soley on the social aspect :) I like my Friday night date nights and I'm too lazy to get up early Friday mornings. So Friday is my rest day. Long run day is still Sundays. Have to find what works for you.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I'm on week 3 of a 16 week training program for my first half. I run 3X per week. For crosstraining I'll go to a spin class, swim laps, or lift (and occasionally a dance class because I love it!). I take 1 or 2 rest days per week and when I do totally depends on how tired/sore/in need of rest I feel.