Experimenting with Diet

My insurance company has me working with an insurance counselor. At her suggestion I changed my menus to vegetarian. I like meat but it wouldn't kill me to give it a shot for a week. The meals are huge and still balanced so I'm getting enough protein, in fact I'm usually kind of stuffed. It has been all of 3 days and I'm already down 2 lbs. Normally I'm doing a pound a week. This is highly encouraging. So glad that vegetarian cookbook was out on the site GeekGamerGirl linked to. Thanks!!!


  • geekgamergirl
    Interesting. I like meat too, but I know it would be healthier (and cheaper) to eat less. Have the typical meat-and-potatoes-atarian as a spouse, which makes experimenting a little tricky. Have found a few things, though. Glad the cookbook came at just the right time!
  • Allmyusernamesaretakengeeze
    My spouse-thing is also a carnivore kinda guy but is working on the weight thing as well. We talked about how I NEED TO DO THIS and his whining will not help me. He put on his big-boy panties and cooks his own meat or buys a sammich while he is out.

    The vegetarian thing was not difficult to do. I admit I took one bite of my daughters hot wing to see what Inferno Sauce tasted like, but other than that I've stuck to veggies. On that note, my weight loss has increased and I'm not hungry. This morning I've lost over 10 pounds. Did you know MFP recalculates your calorie goals every time you loose 10 pounds? I had no idea. Did a little dance this morning.
  • geekgamergirl
    Yeah, I know. Glad you did a dance. I usually cry. Just when I work so hard to get down in weight, I lose calories. Doesn't seem fair! It makes it harder.