Marathon Training & Weight Loss Query



  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    Sign up. Commit. Then you train. You will drop a few mor pounds during the training. My first marathon I signed up 6 months out so I had to do it. I found a great on line training and logging system and started out. Go For IT!!!!!!!! You will feel so great when you accomplish something that thousands and thousands of people can not do. I look forward to your progress:glasses:

    I'm waiting to find out if I have made the ballot for London (find out start of Oct I believe) - that's the only reason I haven't yet signed up for Manchester. I've read lots of stuff on training plans etc and pulled together a plan that I think I can stick to. I've passed this to someone in my running club who has years of experience to see if they think it'll get me to the start line in good shape. Once that's been tweaked and decided upon then I start training!

    Everyone's input on food has been really useful though as I need my weight loss to continue (even if it slows). :drinker:

    Just seen the reply as I was typing mine! Not weird or mean at all! The reason I asked was having done alot of reading around there seems to be many people who say they gained weight. My feeling was that it was because they were eating as a reward - I know a marathon is hard and a new challenge but I've had very few hunger issues training for 30K & HMs I've done as soon as I sorted out what & when I ate straight after my long run. I guess as a very new runner who has a tendency to commit to something & then consider the consequences I wanted some reinforcement of what I thought. This thread has done that in the most part as basically it comes down to fuelling my body enough that I can do my runs and recover afterwards, but not to use the increased miles as a reason to 'treat' myself.