Snack Ideas?

What are some of your favorite snack ideas?


  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Lately humus with veggies or pita bread, peanut butter and celery, trail mix, love quest bars apple pie, white chocolate raspberry, and brownie, smoothies, frozen banana with almond milk blended, frozen yogurt, dannon fit and light Greek yogurt, fruit, fiber one brownie, just to name a few.
  • LifeChangingAmy
    LifeChangingAmy Posts: 22 Member
    That all sounds very yummy! Does your preschool supply snacks or do the parents or teachers?
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    Those are my snack ideas our school follows usda and is very strick on the meals and snacks we can give. A lot more strict than in reg schools bc of this being a federally funded program. Has to have a very low fat and sugar ratio. Very low when we do nutritional experiences it can be tricking finding an alternate recipe. For instance we did pumpkin empanadas right b4 thanksgiving and we had 4 recipes declined for approval because of the fat/sugar ratio. And it was already pretty low.

    New ones that we added last year are
    Smoothies, humas and pita bread. I love cottage cheese and pineapple I wish it was fresh pineapple.

    I've had my kids in child care programs where the parents supply the snacks I didn't like this bc most of the snacks weren't nutritional and I'm trying to teach my own kids about eating healthy and to think about is it going to fill you up or is it just going to have you wanting something else. Like f they have fruit snack isn't filling but if we pair it with a smoothie or yogurt and graham crackers that's better.
  • kmariet7
    kmariet7 Posts: 229 Member
    Snacks for the kids are always interesting. I seem to have a crew of picky eaters this time around. Goldfish, graham crackers, cheese sticks, applesauce, grapes, bananas, yogurt, nutragrain bars, vanilla wafers, fruit pops. Most the snacks are served with milk.
  • LifeChangingAmy
    LifeChangingAmy Posts: 22 Member
    Mine are pretty picky as well. I still try to get them a variety. I do all of those snacks as well. We do a lot of banana bread to use left over bananas. I like to make smoothies with frozen fruit and yogurt with milk or juice and a banana.
  • kmariet7
    kmariet7 Posts: 229 Member
    what are the ages of your kids? daycare for the summer are 10m, almost 2, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5, 6, 7... not all every day:) my kids are almost 8, almost 10 and 11.5 and we have their random friends over for playdates....
  • LifeChangingAmy
    LifeChangingAmy Posts: 22 Member
    Currently I have a 5month old, 1year old, 2,2,2,3,4,4 (only the 1yr old and a2yr old part time) my own at home full time are 6,8, and 14
  • LifeChangingAmy
    LifeChangingAmy Posts: 22 Member
    Today's meals were:
    Breakfast: Cereal, banana, milk
    Lunch: grilled ham and cheese, plums, peas and carrots, milk
    snack: crackers, cheerios, grapes

    What did you serve?
  • kmariet7
    kmariet7 Posts: 229 Member
    breakfast: oatmeal with strawberries
    lunch: meatballs and mixed veggies with strawberries
    snack: graham crackers with milk
  • LifeChangingAmy
    LifeChangingAmy Posts: 22 Member
    That sounded like a really yummy day! How do you plan your meals?
  • kmariet7
    kmariet7 Posts: 229 Member
    That sounded like a really yummy day! How do you plan your meals?

    hmmm I have a number of meals I can pick from and I see how much time I have to fix them. If the kids are extra good I have time to make mac and cheese:)