Newbie (hope i fit in)

Just started running about 16 months ago and my original goal was to do a half by my 50th birthday. But I found a great running group and a friend felt I was ready and volunteered to stay with me the entire time

Finished it in 2:15 so I guess not bad for my first one.. I have tentatively schedule another one for mid October so I have to get back on the horse.. Dream would be to go under 2 hours.. this course is pretty flat

I know I have to build up my mileage.. and run outside more.. I run weekdays like 3-4 days like 4 miles or so on treadmill at crack of dawn before work and then an 8-12 outside run with my running group on Saturdays

Actually running a 5k this weekend for first time in long time.. and am nervous lol.. not sure how to warm up.. As I have been running more long runs.. it seems to take me longer to get going.... I guess I have to figure out a long warm up of some kind.. if I am going to try to come close to my PR .. ill just prolly run for fun

I am nowhere near most of you here speed wise, so I hope to learn a lot

5k PR 24:47.. 26:08 on Saturdays course
10k 55:52 only run one
HM 2:15 only run one

Probably more than you wanted to know about me lol but I just found this place (not MFP the LDR board)

open to any suggestions and ill surf the threads here for info too



  • RunnerInVT
    RunnerInVT Posts: 226 Member
    Charlie! ! You are doing much better than you think! My running partner just turned 40 and her goal for her second one is a 2:10 half. You should stick to one distance and do a 5k for fun not speed. You have to develop more slow twitch fibers for your distance. Doing the fast twitch and slow twitch fibers at the same time is too much. You can and should do speed work just not too much(1× a week) and tempo or pace runs along with your weekly long runs are key.Find a good program either online or buy a book (i have Hansons) and put each day on a monthly calendar so you can see it every day and check them off as you go. It made me more aware and accountable. Don't over think Charlie, Dear. Just go for it!! You're doing great!
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    Welcome! You fit in just fine.

    For your 5K, I suggest an easy 2 to 3 mile warm up jog with 4 to 6 strides at the end.

    I time my warm up to end about 15 minutes prior to the race start. I'll do 3 or 4 strides at the end of that warm up, then change shoes and shirt and head to the start line. 5 minutes or less before the start I'll do 2 or 3 more strides to let my legs know it's go time.
  • saskie78
    saskie78 Posts: 237 Member
    Welcome! Sounds like you have some great goals. Also, I think your times are fantastic; true story! :)
  • RenewedRunner
    RenewedRunner Posts: 423 Member
    I would steal your legs for that 5k time!!! :flowerforyou:

  • valentine4
    valentine4 Posts: 233 Member

    your times are great, you will love this board the advise in fantastic! I'm a newbie like yourself too, running 14 mths now did two half marathons, few 10k's and a couple of 5 k's. The 5's are definately the hardest for me - I'm not built for speed :).
  • Samstan101
    Samstan101 Posts: 699 Member
    Another newbie here and a much slower one than you - 5k 27:47, 10k 1:03:49 (set months back so hoping for a sub 60 this weekend), HM 2:27:36

    For 5ks I try to run at least a mile to warm up before hand and similar for 10k, TBH for HM's I haven't bothered with anything other than a jog to the start line. I much prefer the longer distance rather than the eyeballs out, lungs exploding feeling of the 5ks LOL.
  • CodeMonkey78
    CodeMonkey78 Posts: 320 Member
    Welcome! You fit in just fine.

    For your 5K, I suggest an easy 2 to 3 mile warm up jog with 4 to 6 strides at the end.

    I time my warm up to end about 15 minutes prior to the race start. I'll do 3 or 4 strides at the end of that warm up, then change shoes and shirt and head to the start line. 5 minutes or less before the start I'll do 2 or 3 more strides to let my legs know it's go time.

    Welcome to the group!

    Regarding 5k warmup, ^Carson^ hit the nail on the head. I also normally run a 5k to get warm enough to race a 5k.
  • mjpTennis
    mjpTennis Posts: 6,165 Member
    Welcome to the group. Great progress and times you have there. I have used Carsons warm up plan he mentions and it suits me fine too. I can also attest to focusing on one thing either the 5k or the longer distances. I haven't done a 5k in a bit for an official time, but with all of my marathon training and current half marathon training, a PR is easily around the corner. A strong base of long slow mileage with a weekly tempo run and strides once a week has been a great fit for me.