Dear Body Fat

PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
Dear Body Fat,

Myself and the bike are tired of luging all 110lbs of you around. Perhaps if the weight was because we were pulling a trailer on the back of the bike or the racks were filled with bags signaling the start of a long road trip or an adventure camping and traveling little used road, we would be ok. Perhaps if the weight was due to the kayak we could be pulling as we head to the river. If it were any of these things we wouldn't mind. But sadly it's not. No kayak, tents or sleeping bags, just giggling, gyrating fat. We spandex you into place but your still a nuance.

We understand the reason you are here is essentially my fault, and for that I apologize, but we no longer wish you to come with us. You make hills difficult, and today forced us off the bike to walk up them twice as people twice our age and older swiftly passed us by. I wave and smile but I'm cruising the 60 year-old under my breath, and thats just bad form. The skinny lycra clad sperm on bikes zoom past on flat streets as we are their, lumbering along at 9mph, dragging your heavy *kitten* around. Our oh so sexy XXXL high vis safety vest is so large because you take up so much space.

The bike and I have simply had enough of you. 47 pounds of you have already decided to vacate and we would like to request that the 110 pounds left do likewise... sooner then later. Your just not made for biking and you don't look good in spandex, and me and bike really wish to look good in spandex.

Thank you for your consideration,

Patrick and the Green Bike.


  • ronercat
    ronercat Posts: 273 Member
    You tell that body fat what's what! I can basically see it quivering in fear from here. Keep showing it who is boss and pretty soon it'll quiver its way right off your body.
  • KarenZen
    KarenZen Posts: 1,430 Member
    Pat, you are amazing. Your progress just blows my mind!

    You know what's cool about lugging that extra 110 pounds around on your bike? You're building strength- -physical, emotional, psychological. I hesitate to say that you're building character, but you are. One day you'll be the skinny guy buzzing up that hill and you'll see a fat guy walking his bike up and you'll remember what that felt like. You'll feel empathy. You'll cheer him on rather than sneer at him. Maybe you'll stop and walk alongside him and ask him what is story is.

    We don't always recognize our best life lessons while we're in them. Dealing with Still's has definitely taught me humility and patience, and those lessons have been an amazing blessing. What do you think are the amazing lessons you get to learn from being obese and struggling to overcome obesity? Tenacity? Fortitude? How about just learning to do what you want without worrying about what others are thinking about you? Maybe you should thank your fat as you wave it goodbye.

    I thank my fat for my amazing personality, humor, social skills, empathy, bravery... the list is too long. If I had been thin growing up, I suspect I would have been pretty self-centered and egotistical. So thank you fat for making me such an awesome person!!!!
  • NorahCait
    NorahCait Posts: 325 Member
    Dear Pat's Muscles,

    You're pretty frickin' amazing.

    --another fathlete :)
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    Hahaha. Too funny. I went in for my monthly weigh/check in and for the first time ever, the skinny little nurse told me ny body fat % ,i was like **** you very much...this is information I did NOT need to know. Grrrr.
  • KnitOrMiss
    KnitOrMiss Posts: 10,104 Member
    Patrick - that was awesome!!!! I loved this. Such determination. I love you telling the fat to piss off! TGIF, my man...

    Karen - I'm glad you are thanking your fat for all the things we know and love about you, but I know in my heart you would have been as awesome without it. But perhaps dealing with the fat prepared you to deal with Still's? You had to have strength of mind and heart for that.... for thought. (calorie free, too! yay)

    Norah, love the compliment to Pat's muscles - too right!

    Heather - I love your sassy sense of humor. However, someone on my friend's list pointed something out to me. Even the ugly number that is our body fat percentage is just that...a number. It doesn't mean a damned thing unless you choose to let it. I know that is far, FAR easier said that done...maybe try to think of it as just one more number you can track going down? My doc's office in the city, if your bmi is above a certain number, they have to print off and talk to you about the "you're a fat @$$" speech...LOL. My NP actually apologized to me last time because she knows I'm working on it, she knows I've made progress, and she knows I'm not in denial... (hugs) The numbers are just numbers - we would never ever EVER judge someone as awesome as you by a number, so for us, cut yourself a little slack, will ya? (HUGS!)
  • PatrickB_87
    PatrickB_87 Posts: 738 Member
    Well thank you everyone. After a good stern lecturing, it seems I have talked another three pounds into submission. It guess I will have beat the other 107 off in time.
  • carostad
    carostad Posts: 161
    Great job, Patrick!

    I think I've read you've avoided the camera, but totally take a pic now. It's so amazing of you to ride that bike. You'll definitely want to remember how hard you've worked later....
  • mikesgirl4evr
    mikesgirl4evr Posts: 363 Member
    Patrick, all I can say is you crack me up and you're doing fantastic!!!! I am so happy for you. And I have to agree, you really need to take a picture. I remember after my bypass when I would think I wasn't losing because that stupid scale wasn't moving and I would take a picture and compare it to my previous picture. By doing this, I could see that I was making progress. It also reminds me of just how far I have come.