I swear my stomach is a black hole!

Sooo yeah, I am pretty sure the black hole is in my tummy! I can eat and eat and eat, and I am still HUNGRY HUNGRY HUNGRY!

Due to 6 months of illness, surgery, then a dislocated knee, then illness again, I had already gained about 15 pounds back from last years low weight before I found out I was pregnant. I was just getting back into things diet wise, still not doing much exercise with my bum knee, and started getting super hungry (didnt know I was pregnant yet) I have gained soooo much weight already, most of it in the first 6 weeks before I got my positive test. I am so ashamed to say.... I have so far gained 12 pounds and I am 8 weeks!!! I gained 10 pounds in the first 6!:noway: :ohwell: :blushing: :sick:

At first, I was confused by my appetite, kind of stressed and giving into a lot of things thinking I would get back on track after moving to my new hosue was settled and a few other things going on. But then I found out I wa pregnant and started really trying to focus and not giving in so much. In my past pregnancies I gained 60 pounds, and then 85 pounds iwth my second. That is why I had to lose the 125 pounds before, and I am so terrified that I am ending up in the same boat again!

I know I have to eat, but I feel like I am NEVER FULL!!! Snacks dont cut it, I am craving meat and potatoes every 2 hours. Of course not giving in to that, but when I just have a small snack it doesnt stop the hunger or the lighheadedness, nausea, etc...

Please someone tell me I am not alone!!! I really hope I can keep future weight gain to max of 20 pounds, but I have 32 weeks to go :sad: And is it possible that restricting for so long and then eating like a wild animal suddenly is making me gain faster?? BLOATING?? PLEASE someone make an excuse to make me feel better :wink:


  • EmilyEmpowered
    EmilyEmpowered Posts: 650 Member
    I'd like to add that I have already had 4 people remind me how much weight I gained last time. :brokenheart: (Not my dr, he is a great dr but no sense of nuitrition and said "just gain 2 pounds per week" from the very start of each pregnancy. I love him otherwise, but he isnt hard enough on me when it comes to weight)
  • Binky_Muffin
    Binky_Muffin Posts: 191 Member
    The only thing I can add is to eat protein and fibre (beans, etc). For me, I feel much fuller if I do that.

    In addition, protein shakes with fruits really keep me satisfied.
  • CinderellaDaisy
    CinderellaDaisy Posts: 42 Member
    I was told by my midwife to eat lots and lots of protein. Meat (not just lean chicken and fish because baby needs healthy fats), eggs, beans. Hemp hearts added to smoothies are awesome to. You have more support this time to keep track of what you eat and how much you eat. It will be ok :) I to am 8 weeks I'll add you!
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    I know everybody is different with cravings, but what fills me up is to make a huge cucumber/onion/avocado/cheese/tomato/basil salad every day. I use 1-2 cucumbers, a whole avocado, half an onion, about 2 ounces of pepper jack cheese cut up into tiny cubes, and if I have the tomatoes from my garden, I add those too. I make a dressing of balsamic vinegar, olive oil, and a good seasons dressing packet, but I make a larger amount in a mason jar. I don't feel guilty chowing down b/c its full of nutrients, healthy fats, calcium, protein, etc. And it fills me right up!

    I make a gallon of plain yogurt every week, too, and eat tons of it with fruit and a touch of honey whenever I need something sweet! Hard boiled eggs are great for snacking on.

    Make sure you drink a half gallon to gallon water each day, too! That will help you feel full and will keep your body running well.

    Remember that everyone gains differently, too. 25-35lbs is just a recommendation. Not everyone fits into that. It might be normal and healthy for you to gain more, as long as you're choosing good foods. I usually end up gaining about 45lbs. 3 different pregnancies, gained at different rates, but they all seem to come out to about 45lbs. I've given up trying to "fit in"! LOL Good luck! Try to make good choices and don't beat yourself up if you don't gain at the same rate as other people. :)
  • Cheeky_and_Geeky
    Cheeky_and_Geeky Posts: 984 Member
    I suggest keep logging, working out regularly if you're not nauseated & try to watch what you eat. But I ate a dozen chocolate chip cookies for dinner last night. Lol. Hang in there! You lost the weight once, you can do it again. That's what I keep telling myself!
  • lauradoingyoga
    lauradoingyoga Posts: 22 Member
    The past three days I've been on a sugar high. I need to start eating oatmeal for breakfast again...I think I destabilized my blood sugar with English muffins and jam for breakfast and never recovered! I just hate feeling sick from all the sugar late in the day.
  • rainbowbrite1325
    rainbowbrite1325 Posts: 2 Member
    I know where you are coming from! This is my 4th pregnancy, I am 19 weeks along and have already gained 20pds. It's getting out of hand quickly. I had totally slacked on watching what I was eating so I'm trying to recommit to that. I've gained about 55pds with all my pregnancies and managed to lose it within a year (it takes me awhile. lol) but lost it nonetheless. Problem is, I am not getting any younger and I am worried this time I won't be able to lose it if I keep gaining at this rate. I've researched gestational diabetes diets to get an idea of a healthier way to eat. I am not following anything particular but I want to really cut back on the sugar and carbs.
  • EmilyEmpowered
    EmilyEmpowered Posts: 650 Member
    Thanks everyone for the advice and helping me realize I am not alone! I have realized over the past few days that part of the problem is I TRY to restrict too much and then get overly hungry and go overboard. I am going to pack a whole bunch of healthy options to bring to work with me, and nibble on those only every couple of hours. Also, I have been having trouble getting passed the SMELL of red meat. But I found out if I force a couple of bites down, I end up tearing through the rest of it like I havent had a meal in days! So I am back to eating more protein, which definitely keeps me full longer than carbs!

    Good luck to all of you and thanks again for the advice! Feel free to leave more for me and the other girls who are feeling like they have a black hole for a tummy! ;)