5x5 -> 3x5 after 12 weeks?

On August 1, I finished my 12th week of SL, and was doing 5x5 for all lifts except deadlifts as the program is written.

Lately, though, the increased weights that I am lifting has made 5x5 1.) sometimes impossible to get all 5 sets because of fatigue, or 2.) I'm spending 90 minutes at the gym to do workout A with lots of rest between sets because I am so fatigued. I do not have 90 minutes to spend at the gym at 5am before work. (Workout B is taking me 70 minutes, on average right now).

I read the pinned note about 3x5, 5/3/1, etc. after 5x5 on this group, but wanted to see what others are doing after 5x5 is starting to become too much.

Are you seeing the same results, physically, by doing 3x5 at heavier weights? Have you been able to increase weights quicker, slower, or about the same rate as 5x5? Do you do 3x5 on all lifts except the deadlift? Any other feedback?

I did 3x5 squats on Friday morning because I just didn't feel like I had 5 sets in me, and I didn't feel as fatigued after the workout like I normally do... am I stalling my progress by doing this / should I be starting to add in other accessory lifts if I cut back to 3x5?


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I switched to 3x5 at the start of June just because it was taking a long time. I wasn't failing etc but 90mins for me well...it was a bit much.

    I have found I am not as fatigued as well. My weights are going up well (almost at squat deload weight from 5x5) and to be frank I like 3x5...

    I take 4-5min rest periods due to the weight I am lifting and it still only takes 45mins for Workout B and 60 for A...

    He suggests switching if you deload 3x at one weight...eh...and after 3x5 if you deload 3x he says go to 3x3...

    I am seeing the same results physically and yes I do 3x5 on all but DL. I have been working on form all summer but now that I have that down yes I am increasing weights (except for OHP)

    I have time for other things now too...more walks, biking or just normal life..which to me is great.

    However I am thinking of switching to 5/3/1 in Sept we will see.
  • Llamapants86
    Llamapants86 Posts: 1,221 Member
    I switched to 3x5 once 5x5 started taking too long. I did add in some accessories then as well because 3x5 just seemed kind of short. I notice that my increases have slowed down some, but I am still seeing progress.
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    I switched to 3x5 because 5x5 was taking me upwards of 2 hours (not Deadlift day, though) and if I tried to rush it, I would run out of steam mid-way through the 5th set of all exercises. I did 3x5 for a while and then switched to Wendler's.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,353 Member
    Give 3x5 a shot and see how you do. I made pretty good progress and the reduced time was awesome.